On “It’s Supernatural,” § music § Discover the miraculous power of dance.
Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance?
Sid Roth had spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural.
Join Sid on this edition of “It’s Supernatural.”
SID: Hello, Sid Roth here, welcome to my world where it is naturally supernatural. Do you know medical doctors have found that movement is a healing force, and there are actually twelve hundred dance therapists, because Mindy Seta, it is amazing that medical science is finding that there is healing in movement, in dance, how much greater when one is dancing Jewish dances to God? I can’t think of a better combination.
MINDY: No, I can’t either, it is awesome.
SID: But you were not always a Messianic Jewish dancer. Tell me a bit about your upbringing.
MINDY: Well I was born in a conservative Jewish home, and we celebrated Hanukah, and we celebrated Rosh Hashanah, and Passover. These were just the traditional holidays that we celebrated at our home but it was just about tradition, there wasn’t anything really spiritual about it.
SID: Well where did God fit in?
MINDY: God didn’t fit in at all.
SID: He didn’t fit in.
MINDY: No he didn’t, he didn’t. I knew God was out there but it wasn’t a part of my Jewish
upbringing and it wasn’t until I became a believer in Jesus and Yeshua the Messiah that all of the Jewish holidays and festivals that I grew up with made sense and came alive.
SID: Well lets take you back a little bit, you get married to a non-Jewish man and he is involved in Hollywood and the film industry.
MINDY: Yes, yes.
SID: And so everything is going fine and then you have a discussion “when we have children how will we raise them.” Tell me about that discussion.
MINDY: Well we didn’t have any of those discussions before we got married, we were very secular, very worldly, and religion was not in the mix of our life. And right after we got married he made a suggestion that we should, you know, maybe go to church or synagogue if we have kids to raise them in something.
SID: Had you ever been to church?
MINDY: No, I had friends who were, you know, Catholic, but we never talked about God. He actually was from a Baptist family but we never talked you know, about God, though I did believe in God. But after he asked that question, because I did believe in God, I prayed. And I had been praying every day, some things happened in my life that I prayed to God, but it wasn’t necessarily Jesus, it was just the universal god.
SID: So what did you pray when this issue came up of church or synagogue?
MINDY: Well I got down on my knees and I prayed God.
SID: We Jews don’t get down on our knees, did you see too many movies?
MINDY: Well I just thought I should, I got down on my knees, he wasn’t around at this point and I got down on my knees and I said, “God there is this fifty percent chance, and I have to go to church, and church means Jesus, and I have always been taught that Jesus isn’t our God, our Messiah, and so let me know if he is, and I am willing to believe, but just show me.” And I prayed that prayer and the day I prayed that prayer interesting things started to happen.
SID: Coincidences.
MINDY: Yeah, coincidences.
SID: Like what?
MINDY: Well that particular day we went to the mall, after, you know, that was the morning, we went to the mall, and we were at just a regular mall and we went by this bookstore and there was this display of books, it just happened to be there, the book called, “Jesus In Interview Across Time.” It caught my eye because there it was, Jesus, so I walked over and I was looking at the bulletin points on the back and it said, it was an interview with Jesus from the perspective of a psychiatrist interviewing Jesus on his couch, asked him why he thought that he was the Messiah.
And I thought well that is interesting, I just wondered if he was the Messiah, and so I read the points. Jesus was born in a Jewish home. Jesus, you know, this and that, but I thought interesting
I prayed that prayer, maybe that is a sign from God, and I thought I’ll buy the book, I’ll read it and I’ll see. And so I bought it and it was so interesting and I read it, and as soon as I read it I just said, well okay, that’s interesting I think, God, I prayed, I want to see what is so not Jewish about Jesus. And I had a Bible that has been a coaster for many years and I think…
SID: Well that’s better than most people, they just bury it somewhere in a drawer.
MINDY: Yes, so I thought I will start in the Jewish part of the Bible, the Old Testament, that’s the Jewish part and I want to just see what is so not Jewish about Jesus. And I started reading, and I started reading, and by the way I tried, since I had a Bible, to read it before, but I would get past the first page and I just thought, I can’t read this, I don’t even know what it is saying. But I was just reading and reading and I wanted to gobble it up and there was so many things in there that to me were screaming, screaming Jesus, especially the scripture, the whole book of Isaiah, but especially Isaiah 53.
SID: You know when I read Isaiah I feel like I am reading the New Testament and yet he is one of our guys.
MINDY: Exactly, I thought how can this be in there, this is screaming Jesus, and I finished it and it happened to be I finished it, it was on a Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashanah and we were secular, my family wasn’t doing anything, and it just happened to be and by the time I closed that Old Testament book, I had heard the story of Jesus around, but I just thought, he is the Messiah
and I got down on my knees and I prayed, “God I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, please come into my heart, forgive me of my sins.” I must have heard Christian people around you know.
SID: I was just going to ask you.
MINDY: But I knew that was what I was to pray.
SID: By yourself you did it.
MINDY: By myself and I prayed and that’s what happened. And the next thing I had to do is I felt like I had to talk to somebody, I needed to know where I should go to church and so.
SID: So who did you pick?
MINDY: Well there was this friend of our family who used to be Jewish, and she turned Christian. What I thought, she was, I want to say her name but she is my testimony, and she was Helene, the born-again Christian, she would came and she would start sharing about Jesus and everybody would run. But I had to call her.
SID: Would you run?
MINDY: Not anymore.
SID: But before?
MINDY: Yes, I would never go near her because she just would corner you and start talking about Jesus and I would say, “Helene is going to be there, I am not going to go.” But I knew that I had to call her because she used to be, what I thought she used to be Jewish.
SID: Listen when she calls Helene, imagine what happens.