Sid Roth welcomes Randy Clark
SID: Unbelievable, I mean Randy Clark goes to this little store front church in Toronto Canada and in the next few years 3 million people go through, was it 3 million that went through?
RANDY: Just in the 1st few years.
SID: In the first few years? This little storefront church?
RANDY: From all over the world.
SID: I want you to pick one person that came there that you prayed for that you received and impartation, that’s why I’m so excited about your book, There Must be More, because this book you actually pray for impartations, you got your greatest impartations from just teaching, understanding how these things operate. Do you wish that you had this information when you started?
RANDY: It would have been invaluable.
SID: I wish I had this information when I started. So tell me about one of my favorite people, you know I have a lot of favorite people that you prayed for and the whole world turned upside down in a good way. Tell us about Heidi and Roland Baker, tell me about Heidi Baker.
RANDY: Well I was preaching a sermon on impartation.
SID: Just like in here.
RANDY: It’s in there. The basis of it. And she can’t wait till it’s over, she runs in the middle of it to the front and when I see her on her knees crying I actually had a strong impression from the Lord God and I said Heidi God wants to know if you want the nation of Mozambique and she said yes. Now she’s a burned out missionary and that’s a ridiculous question to ask and it was ridiculous that she would say yes but then I heard myself say God is going to give you the nation of Mozambique and you’ll se the blind see, the deaf here, the lame walk and the dead will be raised.
SID: Now wait a second, there’s a lot of responsibility you saying something like that. Doesn’t, don’t you kind of tremble of maybe it’s just my ideas? Come on, between you and me.
RANDY: That was so strong that you say it before you think about the consequences of it.
SID: I see, you had a mind bypass.
RANDY: It really was. You know Heidi and I have laughed about it. We’re both crazy because it’s so illogical that that would ever happen from a little burned out missionary with a small little church.
SID: How many churches had she started since in Mozambique?
RANDY: Seven. She and her husband, well one in Mozambique, seven in her lifetime.
SID: Let’s fast forward right now. How many churches has she started now?
RANDY: Over 7,000.
SID: Did you say 7000? In how long a period of time?
RANDY: Seven years, and approximately 1,000,000 people have come to the Lord through Jesus Christ through there.
SID: Through impartation through this one person?
RANDY: Well it multiplied. What happened to her lasted 7 days and 7 nights and the power of God hit her, heat, electricity and energy and she heard the voice of God and went into visions and everything. But then when she went back to Mozambique she gathered 12 men together and God said now everything Randy prophesied to you, he prophesied to them and she spoke to them the same words and the Word of God came on to them too. And then they went out and that was the instant multiplication and it’s continuing, they lay hands on people and pray for them and they begin to move in gifts.
SID: Now she, how many orphans does she have?
RANDY: There’s over 1000 in the 2 orphanages but every church they start are to have an orphanage and the pastor is to adopt children into his own personal family, in every church.
SID: Now listen this is not just religion that you may be used to, there’s Judaism, Christianity, Islam, this is the same thing we read about in the new covenant, that Jesus did, the identical things. For instance, any dead people coming back to life under Heidi’s ministry of the 12 people she prayed for?
RANDY: Through their ministry at this point, I think 54 now, most of them in the Muslim territories.
SID: Now of these 54 were they dead for a few seconds or a few minutes?
RANDY: You know I forgot Sid exactly what it is but they have to be dead for several hours before they’ll count it and they have to live for a year after they’ve been raised before they’ll count it. And I’ve interviewed them. One of my hobbies is to interview people who raise the dead.
SID: Did you ever talk to any that had some sort of experience when they died? And talked about it. I mean as far as seeing Jesus or something like that.
RANDY: I can’t think right now.
SID: That’s what I want to know. What did you see? I mean everyone is going to die. You can’t avoid it. So I’d like to know what these people have seen. Wouldn’t you? Ok.
RANDY: I don’t remember the stories of that because I’m usually asking questions to the people that are praying for them because I want to see this begin to happen in my ministry and other peoples ministries. But it effects, it is one of the main reasons for so many Muslims coming to the Lord in the Northern provinces, just seeing people being raised from the dead. They went into an area where they had been for 25 years and had only 25 converts and within the 1st year they had over 200 churches started I believe and I was there and I’m getting ready to go over there in a few days, and they have 5 or 600 people baptized in the Indian Ocean every month. Coming out of
Islam because of seeing the miracles in Jesus name.
SID: Now there’s another man that I interviewed that you prayed for and all of the sudden he can see into the invisible world. I mean all of the sudden this fellow can literally find out what’s going on in heaven and become like an actor, act it out on earth, and if it’s already happened in heaven…
RANDY: We have teenagers that have gone with us once a year, a big youth thing, 13 to 29 year olds, and I know several teenagers that have had that same, that happened to Gary, it’s going on in their life including my pastor’s 17 year old son.
SID: In your book you have the prayer for impartation and my personal spin right now Randy is teaching is as important as impartation, you have both in this book but if you are hungering and thirsting for reality, if you’ve tried religion and its ok, it’s nice, friends, social, and there are a lot of nice things involved in religion, a lot of bad things too for that matter. But there’s something so much bigger, something so much better, it’s intimacy with God. I mean if you know the truth no one can ever take that from you wherever you are, there’s more. In fact that’s the title of the book, There is More. Randy would you pray for this impartation, meaning the same type of gifting he has and even greater he is going to pray upon you right now.
RANDY: Alright. Well you may begin to feel something, if you do don’t try to stop it and don’t be afraid, it’s just the spirit of God coming on you whether it’s heat or energy or you begin to cry, just go with it. Father you know the ones that are hungry, you know the ones that are wanting this in their life, you know the ones who are believing for it so I just bless them in the name of Jesus and I ask for heaven to become real to them, for the spirit of God to come upon them, for angels of God to be assigned to them, to work with them. I bless them, I pray God that the gifts of the word of knowledge, the gift of prophecy would begin to happen in their life, that they would no what others were feeling and they would feel others pain, so I bless them and I pray for Your power to flow into their body, your power to flow into their mind. I pray that you would make them a blessing because you’ve blessed them. I pray for this power to flow out of them, when they pray for people that they would feel as Paul said, energy flowing into them. In Jesus name Lord we bless them and we expect to here great testimonies of how you used them because you’re no respecter of persons. Father we’ve seen you touch all types of people and Lord even if there’s someone there now that needs to be healed, would you touch them? Heal them, let them feel your power in Jesus name; glorify his name Father by healing them. Amen.
SID: I don’t know what’s going on with you but I can just tell you as a reporter what’s going on with me. Randy I am felling such supernatural peace. It’s almost like what you described happened to you. Now I’m not going through a nervous break down of fortunately but I’m feeling this peace. What does this peace mean? I believe this peace means the presence of God has invaded you. I believe this peace means that you are ready to walk into the most extraordinary adventure of your life. Remember he prayed in the name of Yeshua, Hebrew for Jesus. Give him the credit for this miracle.