SID: Hello, Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with LEIF Hetland. There is a bankruptcy in this land; it is a bankruptcy of the love of the father. And the truth is Almighty God has more than enough to go around. Leif, I want you to tell us the way God intended things to be, not the way they became, but what did He intend for us?
LEIF: well, in the book of beginning, and we call it a book of Genesis, and I know both my Jewish friends, Muslim friends, Christian friends, and even most atheists know the story, even if they have a different view of how God created mankind. After six and one-half days of God creating everything that our five senses can experience, He came to the highlight of His creation. He created mankind, and He did it in His own image. He wanted Adam to reflect how God looks like. God, a perfect God, created a perfect man He didn’t need that, for a perfect reason, to live in intimacy, to live in relationship. the first thing that Adam ever saw was the face of God. The first voice he ever heard was the voice of his father, the first experience he had was the presence of his father. And then he was placed in a place called Eden, and it means pleasure, in the pleasure of the Father. That was the Father heart of God, for every person in the world, God wanted them to experience first of all, to hear His voice, to be able to see His face, to live in His presence, to be able to experience His pleasure and He had provided six days of creation everything that was good for mankind and to live in such a relationship with God, and eventually to multiply and to be able to display, for the whole world to be able to see how God looks like, by looking at mankind. But then we know fall came in, sin came in, and we have all been affected by it. We have heard of story after story of people that have even been on your program how sin and Satan have destroyed their lives, and I am sure that there are people even watching right now that know it, and they have experienced the consequences of it. The good side, and the good news that I have for every single one Jesus is also called the second Adam, He came as a way, as a truth, and He came as a life. He took all of the shame, all the drugs, all the pain, all the sins upon Himself, so that we could get the new report card, so that we could get back again into the original intent of Father God. So that we again have access to how god intended it to be from the book of the beginning where we can experience His love, we can experience His peace, we can experience His presence, hear his voice. He said, “My sheep hear my voice.” To be able to experience His pleasure His pleasure that is what God wants.
SID: So what happens if someone says “Leif Hetland, you are a no good son of a gun, I don’t like you, I don’t like anything about you. What do you feel? Do you feel anger towards that person? What do you feel?
LEIF: No I do not feel anger. I have heard people say that and I say when you get squeezed, it is like if I had an orange in my hand right now, Sid, and I squeezed it, what is in it is coming out. And what I have seen again and again, I’ve had people, I’ve had a broken back and neck, and I’ve had people with guns to my head, they want to kill me, because that I represent a God of love, I am an ambassador for Him, so with all these scars on my body, what is in you is coming out. And that has surprised many different people, again and again, that no matter how they hurt or cuss or try to be able to squeeze me, what is in me is coming out. And it is love that is the fruit; that is the evidence that what I am talking about is not just a theory, it’s not a theology; it is an experience.
SID: Would you ever go back to the way you were?
LEIF: Never, never. I would not change what I have for anything else in the world. I am a lover; that is my identity.
SID: Okay. How about you? Is there a love deficit in your life? Be honest. Yes. Do you go sort of like with the waves, one day you’ll feel good with God, the next day you don’t feel good. How would you like to be steady? You can’t get any greater security than to experience God’s love. There is no greater security in this earth. Leif, would you pray for the people right now.
LEIF: I would love to. Just wanted to mention to all of you who are watching, all you need to do is just to relax, and just to receive. And I’m going to just pray for you right now. Father God, First of all I thank you that you are a God of love. And I thank you that you love every single person that is watching, that is listening. You loved us so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. You loved every person so much that You were willing to sacrifice the most valuable thing for You, so that every person that is watching could experience intimacy, experiencing love, experiencing peace, in the heart. I ask right now for every person watching that they are going to be able to experience, no matter what painful things they have had in their life, healing, wholeness, and the love of God, I ask that Jesus Christ will come in and they will get the new report card, no longer being a drug addict, but now being a Jesus addict. No longer looking at the wrong report card, but listen to the true voice of God, because of the experience that they are feeling right now as the Holy Spirit is moving upon them with love. Come Holy Spirit and move with the love of God so every person can feel and experience that what we’ve talked about is truth, and the truth will set us free. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
SID: You know, Leif, I can feel such a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit. Many of you have had fathers that were not present or not present emotionally, and you were not affirmed by your father. I want to speak on behalf of God right now to you, and tell you what God thinks of you. When God looks at you, He loves you as much as He loves Jesus. When God looks at you, assuming you have repented of your sins, turned from them, and asked for His forgiveness, He says you are righteous. You are as righteous as Jesus. That means you can come in Father God’s presence, there is nothing separating you. When He looks at you, remember I told you, I see God taking over where my mother left off. He beams; I can see my mother right now just beaming, and so proud of her son. Well I tell you that’s what God is doing for you right now. He is beaming. What you are experiencing right now is God’s love. There is something so special with feeling God’s love. With recognizing you don’t have to do a thing for God, I didn’t have to do anything for my mother to love me, and even when I did some bad things she still loved me, Leif. And I tell you that God is pure love. And you have enemies, but your enemy isn’t God, He is your only friend. And some of you have been turned off because of religion, and because of religious people. Well, you can be turned off and bitter your whole life or you can come to the only one worth coming to; the one that believes in you. Have you ever thought that there is someone that has all power, and He believes in you, and He is for you, and He has a destiny that He has given you? A fingerprint that no human in all of history has ever had; that He says every hair on your head is numbered, and not two sparrows fall to the ground without Him being aware of it, and of how much more value are you than a sparrow, than a bird. Repent your sins, tell God you are sorry, believe the blood of Jesus washed them away and you are clean. Then say, “Jesus become real. Come inside. I want to know You; I need You as my best friend.