SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I’ve been so looking forward to interviewing Dean Sikes because, you know, a man’s gifts make room for him, Dean. And I’ve heard such wonderful things of your prophesies to people. As a matter of fact, what did God tell you was your call?
DEAN: To be a messenger. And you know, messengers do two things. They receive messages, they deliver messages, and that’s what I do.
SID: Tell me when you realized that you were really hearing from God and you had messages for people. I mean, did it start really like this as a young child?
DEAN: You know, I heard His voice when I was about seven years old for the first time. I heard I call my name like he called Samuel, and then at 21 I had an encounter with God when I heard him again. But it wasn’t until I was about 30 years that I really began to hear God’s voice for other people, and that began me on a journey of wherever I go anywhere on the planet God just begins to talk to me about people, and I just say what He says.
SID: Now I understand that you deliver messages to people like Kenneth Copeland. I don’t want to put you on the spot, but I do want to put you on the spot. Could you share the last message you gave to Kenneth Copeland?
DEAN: Sure. You know, one of the messages that I most recently that I shared with Brother Copeland is that there is a new political movement underway in the United States. There have been two major ones that God has really been involved with. There was the Moral Majority, the Christian Coalition and now there’s a third one underway here in the United States where Christians, people who love God come together and build righteousness, you know. It’s neither Republican nor Democratic. It’s what’s right in God’s eyes.
SID: Now why did you give this to Kenneth Copeland?
DEAN: Because I believe the Lord spoke to me that he would be the person that had great influence over this people, the people that would literally be the leadership of this new grassroots organization.
SID: Well speaking of government, there was a man that was a senator running for governor. Tell me about him.
DEAN: Right. Interesting story there. There’s a guy that’s in the United States Congress and he was running for governor of a state and the Lord spoke to him and He said, “He’s my person to be in the governor’s office and I’ve got a message for him, and you’re gonna need to get it to him.” And I said, “Well Lord, he and I know each other from a distance, but we don’t have communication. You’re gonna have to set this up.” Well He did. And about four or five nights later, my phone rang late one night and it was this congressman saying, “I hear you heard from God for me.” And I began to share with him what the Lord had told me. And it went from the throne of God to me, to the congressman, to a gubernatorial debate. I was hearing from across the airwaves what God had spoken to me in the privacy of my prayer.
SID: Well there was a point in your life where, sure, you heard the audible voice of God call your name as a young child. But there was a point where it became a gusher. Tell me about that.
DEAN: Twenty-one years old and I’m working in real estate development, had whatever society says makes you successful, a couple of airplanes at our disposal, a condo in Florida. Things. The things had me. I didn’t have them. That’s a troublesome place to be in life. I grew up in church, went to schools that, you know, were Christian based schools. And at 21 I said, “God, I don’t think you’re real. I don’t think you hear me. I feel pretty stupid even talking to somebody that doesn’t even exist. But if by chance I’m wrong, if you really are real, if you’ve got a plan for my life, would you please just prove to me that you’re real.” So don’t ever under any circumstance ask God to prove to you that He’s real unless you’re ready for an encounter of the first kind. Two weeks go by, I’m sitting in my office not bothering anybody, nice office, dialing the phone, not bothering anybody and off behind me to my left I hear this voice and it was a commanding voice with two words: “Call mom.” Call mom. I didn’t say what it is. I dialed 344-7443. The phone rang seven times. On the eighth ring my mother answered the telephone, and when she said hello I instantaneously knew something was horrifically wrong. Her voice was slurred. She was disoriented. I was about to learn that in the moment in time when God, by His spirit, said to me, “Call mom” and obeyed, my mother was attempting suicide.
SID: If you had not obeyed.
DEAN: She would have died.
SID: You’re sure.
DEAN: I know it.
SID: Okay.
DEAN: The medical side of her life proves that out that she would have died. I ran out of my office, got into my car, drove up Interstate 75 to a little community called Onawa, Tennessee, and as I drove into my parents’ neighborhood from the outside in, their home was fine, safe secure, probably like where you all live. But from the inside out my mom was dying. I said a very simple prayer. It would not have been studied. It would not have, you know, gotten any attention of a lot of religious people. But it was in my way saying, “Hey God, I can’t save her, but you can. Please do only what you can do.” I banged on the door, my mom came down some stairs, she fell in my arms. I picked her up. I carried her to her car, drove her back down the interstate, and that day, God saved my mom’s life, and said to my dad, I will never forget it. He said, “Mr. Sikes, there’s no medical reason to share this with you. It’s a ‘miracle of God’. Your wife is alive. She made it. You can go see her.” And since that day, Sid, she left the hospital. She went back to school, became a Christian doctor herself, and today helps people in a counseling ministry that she helps come through what she came through.
SID: But it really became a gusher when you were speaking for a teen group one night. Tell me about that.
DEAN: Oh yeah. I do a lot with teenagers. I love reaching out to young people. And I was in Charleston, South Carolina, pretty large youth group. And when I was speaking that night I began to hear the Holy Spirit say, “There are multiple people here who think death is better than life, maybe like someone in the audience right now. Maybe you think death is better than life. When God made you He didn’t go, “Oops, I made a mistake.” He put his stamp of approval on you. And when I was in Charleston ministering that night and the spirit of God talked to me about suicide and I gave an altar call, you know, an invitation if you will, you know, if you’re dealing with this and you have the courage to raise your hand, I was astonished the number of people whose hands shot across that auditorium. They took us to a room by ourselves. And Sid, there was one young man. I don’t think I’ll ever forget him. He had looked at me with tears coming down his eyes and he says, “Dean, at home right now the shotgun is loaded, the note is written, but because you heard that I was in trouble, God said to you, ‘There are those who are gonna die tonight. If you’re dealing with suicide make a decision.’” He said, “Because I heard those words I’m choosing to live.” And you know what?
SID: What.
DEAN: He lived. He did not die. He put the gun away, tore the note up and he’s doing great today.
SID: So you realized you were hearing from God very, very clearly.
DEAN: Oh yeah, yes.
SID: But what happens when you’re in another country, Australia, and you have lost everything? You got into really deep debt, and I imagine some of you can relate. What do you do? God showed Dean supernaturally how to get out of debt. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back after this word.