SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Kevin Basconi. And I don’t know about you, Kevin, ‘cause I don’t know how much experience you have with television, but I am enjoying talking with you because there’s such a nice sweet presence of God on this set. Now you prophesy. Tell me about the time you prophesied over a man that he was going to get an invention.
KEVIN: I was just ministering at a conference and the Lord stopped me, and actually an angel stepped in and began to speak in my left ear. And I simply stepped, I needed to do what the Holy Spirit was showing me. As a matter of fact, some of the people who are watching this show, you can take this prophetic word for yourself because it’s still active. And the Lord showed me that God was gonna give someone creative ability with Internet and web pages.
SID: So you were specific.
KEVIN: Yeah. I didn’t know anything about that. And I said someone here, someone listening is going to receive supernatural knowledge of how to create web pages, an IT business And later, a man whom I know, God supernaturally visited him and helped him to write code for web pages. They were extremely successful and began to make $30,000 a month up to $90,000 almost immediately.
SID: There was a point where you had a need, not for yourself, but for an orphanage that you have.
KEVIN: Yes, Sid. I had been really sad because our orphanage collapsed, and I was crying out to God. And the Lord says, “Release your Angel of Provision.” And I’m like, duh, yeah. So I prayed and I released this angel’s name under the authority of the Holy Spirit. And within 72 hours we had miracles happen. But the same time that I prayed this other gentleman, who was another nation by the way, had a visitation of the Lord. The Lord spoke to him specifically to begin to help our orphans and our ministry, and he called me within a few hours and wired us $10,000 which enabled me to go to Tanzania to rescue 27 children. I went 27,000 miles to preach to 27 children, and it was the most powerful time I’ve ever been in with the presence and tangible love of Jesus there.
SID: So let me get this straight. At the time you’re praying to God the Lord himself goes to this man and instructs him to send you 10,000. Did he know what he was sending it for?
KEVIN: He was actually driving in a car and he had a vision, and he saw my face and he saw the children in our orphanage, and the Lord spoke to him to help us.
SID: Had he ever seen the children in the orphanage? Did he know you had an orphanage?
KEVIN: Yes, he knew us.
SID: That is phenomenal. But I’ll tell you something else that intrigues me immensely, and a lot of you are watching right now. You are gonna to be intrigued immensely. You were taken to Heaven and you saw like vaults. Explain that to me.
KEVIN: Sid, I had, Paul said that whether in body or out of body, I don’t know. I had an experience where I was taken up into the realms of Heaven. This was common the first two years that I was walking with Jesus. And I was fellowshipping with Jesus, and he pointed off to his right and he showed me what I can only describe as a bank vault. And there were two strong angels there which seemed to be overseeing this vault, and I walked in, and it was massive. There were very, very big, 50, 60 feet tall and hundreds of yards, and it was like a medical, a sterile environment. And as I walked through there, there were thousands of organs, eyeballs, fingers, toes, pancreases, livers. All these different organs were in there. And I just had a revelation as I walked down this corridor with these angels that these are spare body parts which God wants to release to those people on Earth who need these things. It should be normal for us to be able to access the realms of Heaven and loose these things upon us. It was shortly after that the man grew the eyeball.
SID: How common will this become that these body parts where angels will transport them to people, someone without an arm, the arm coming on, someone without even, I’ve seen people on television where their face is blown off and they put like a mask on. I could see God restoring faces.
KEVIN: I believe that’s gonna happen. I believe God can do anything He wants to. And I believe it’s gonna be common, not just with chosen vessels. Sid, I’m talking about children in the third world. I’m talking about women in Iraq and Iran. I’m talking about normal people from
every walk of life will be anointed by Jesus to do these types of creative miracles.
SID: And then tell me about you saw this other area that had mantles, if you will, the presence of
God to accomplish specific things. Tell me about that.
KEVIN: This was another occasion when I was fellowshipping with Jesus in the realms of Heaven. The Lord pointed to another room and I walked into again what looked like a bank vault. And this time there were angels there which were overseeing this area. And as I walked into the vault I saw it was lined with beautiful boxes. And as I began to walk down through there I was wondering what in the world was in these boxes, because I knew it was very viable in God’s kingdom. And I couldn’t understand at first. But then I began to see names on the boxes. And after about a half an hour I saw a few names that I recognized, names like Mariah Wentworth Edder or Smith Wigglesworth, or John Wentworth. And I thought, who in the world are these? And so I had the revelation I could take any box I wanted. And I was attracted to a box. So when I picked this box up I felt the power of God search through my hands and into my body, and I looked, and there was a tag on it that said, “The Mantle of Steven.” This angel took this garment off, put it upon me and then I returned to where the Lord was. The Lord looked at me and He beamed and smiled, and says, “You’ve chosen well.”
SID: Any idea how this mantle is going to affect your ministry? Because he was a man who moved in strong in signs and wonders.
KEVIN: I believe Steven had a mantle for creative miracles. I believe that God, Yeshua, Jesus, is releasing this mantle to whosoever will.
SID: So you could pray right now for people that are watching?
KEVIN: I believe that we could pray impartation, yes.
SID: Do that right now.
KEVIN: Okay. Lord, today in the name of Jesus I pray for those folks who are watching this today that the anointing of the Holy Spirit for creative miracles will begin to come upon people. I ask you, Lord, to release the Mantle of Steven to the people today. And I just thought for some of you, you just need to search your heart, and you’re saying, “God would never use me like that.” Yes He will. God will use you like that. There’s a young man, you’re 17 years old. You’re watching this. You’re involved with marijuana and other drugs. God can use you like this. I see God anointing young men, young women, even adolescents, six, seven, eight-year-old children with this type of mantle for creative miracles. Step out in faith and begin to pray in the name of Jesus, and you’ll begin to see blind eyes open, deaf ears open, tumors dissolve, and God do wonderful things. As you stretch forth your hand in the name of Yeshua, he will heal as you pray. And I believe that with all my heart.
SID: And you 17-year-old that’s involved in drugs, do you see what God is offering you? Do you see what the Creator of the universe is offering you? Why would you fool with the toys of this earth that only destroy and kill, and injure when you could come to know the king of love, Yeshua, the Messiah. And talk about mantles. How would you like to have a mantle called the Mantle of Righteousness? When God looks at you He sees His son Jesus. You can’t get any more righteous than that. Turn from your sins. Ask God to forgive you because of the blood of Jesus. Make Jesus your Lord and become a student of the Word. Start meditating on it. That means speaking it out loud, mumbling it, muttering it, and watch what God’s gonna do with you. Oh I feel such love for God pouring into you right now, not just the 17-year-old. Whosoever
people are healed on Earth. I call her the stress-buster psalmist.