Sid: Shalom, Mishpochah, Shalom Family you know something I’m using the word family here and what we’re talking about this week is the destruction of the family in the most diabolical fashion. And you realize that if our family is destroyed we’ll have no society. I’m speaking to Dr. Michael Brown about his brand new book, “A Queer Thing Happened to America” on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about how our schools are being so infiltrated with techs books and agenda’s that make homosexuality a normal acceptable lifestyle and Hollywood is not hurting that situation. What’s Hollywood doing, Dr. Michael Brown?
Mike: Oh, Hollywood is the great amazing tool for gay activism and let me, I just want to underscore with what these means in the schools and then explain how Hollywood plays right into this in an amazing way. David Parker and his wife Tonya were upset when their first grader came home, their son Jacob came home with a diversity bag from school, including a book of who’s in a family and it had pictures of families with two Dads, two Moms etc. so he went to the school and said I want to be notified, he went to the school where his son was being taught and he said I want to be notified when this is going to be taught, if you are going to be talking about sexual issues, same sex marriages, these kinds of things, I want to be notified. We’re talking about a six year old! He was told no, we are going to do what we are going to do and same sex marriage is legal here, you got no leg to stand on. Well, he fought it in court and the courts ruled and the Supreme Court refused to hear it and this is now national law Sid. The courts ruled that it’s more important to teach diversity than to honor the requests of the parents and diversity of course is the code word, the code word that is used for gay activism. So here’s what happened now in the media and film critic, and Orthodox Jew, Michael Medved points this out. If Martian gathering evidence about American society simply by monitoring our television would certainly assume that there were more gay people in American than there are Evangelical Christians. And in 1989, two Harvard trained gay social scientists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madison and in their famous book “After the Ball” this is what they called for, this is 1989 Sid, “The Conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will through a planned physiological attack in the form of propaganda feed to the nation via the media.” And here’s an article that comes out, Time Magazine 2007 by Michael Kinsley called “The Quiet Gay Revolution says this; the debate of fourteen years ago about gays in the military seems almost quaint. Kids grow up today with gay friends, gay parents, gay parents of friends, gay friends of parents, kids are also exposed constantly to an entertainment culture in which gays are not really merely accepted but in some ways dominant. You rarely see a reality show without a gay cast member, while Rosie O’Donnell was a covenant free agent and Ellen DeGeneres is America’s sweet heart.
Sid: So, how does this minority of minorities have such control, it must be supernatural, Mike?
Mike: There’s something demonic because the world loves its own, it’s playing into darkness, it’s legitimizing something of wrong and look, each of these people that I mentioned, Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen DeGeneres, there are all people Jesus loves, Jesus died for; He shed the same blood for heterosexual and for homosexual, but when you think of a population that’s roughly 3% what’s happened is others have a lied themselves with them. They’ve said, this is about equality, this is about justice, and this is about intolerance; and who is it that’s standing in the way of it, those bigoted, those bigoted evangelicals! So Michael Medved gave his quote I’ve expanded on it. The Martian watching our TV and movies would also conclude that gay people with rare or no exception were incredibly nice, family oriented and considerate, while Evangelical Christians were all mean spirited, judgmental, dull, greedy, hypocritical. I go through the book and I went on line, I research shows; I watch things on u-tube; because I’m not much of a TV watcher otherwise I read the actual scripts. You’re talking about the will and grace generation where a certain face has been put on sexuality to take away any offensive to it. To take away any parts of it where the behavior is offense or the consequences with sexually transmitted diseases or dangers just remove that and put only exclusively a nice face on it. So whether its law and order shows, I’m talking about standard gay propaganda; one in ten is homosexual; you’re born that way; you can’t change; any attempts to change people come from religious bigotry that lead to suicide etc. Boston legal, it doesn’t matter who it is; Barbara Walters interviewing someone; Sixty Minutes; Oprah born in the wrong body; it’s all out there. And things are such now Sid, in Hollywood there was a bit of an uproar when “Brokeback Mountain” came out and now on major screens theaters all over America this Oscar Winning Movie has two men in sexual acts and most Christians hardly knew it happened or be so desensitized by other junk and trash that they’ve taken in that they don’t even care about it. Well, a movie comes out recently, “Breakfast with Scott” do you hear a national uproar from Christians about it? Of course not, who even thinks about it, two gay men who end up taken in a gay kid that is even more outwardly gay then they are, was like eleven years old.
Sid: But, Mike my question to you is our Administration has already stated publically their position; Hollywood has shown their position; our school system is showing their position why even bother with this new book? I mean it looks like it’s enviable it looks that way Mike.
Mike: In the natural it’s too late, but with God all things are possible. Sid, God spoke to me to write the book and He spoke to me not me alone but with His body to turn back the tide of homosexual activism. I am convinced Sid to the core of my being by divine calling that we are about to see a cultural awakening, that we are about to see a moral and spiritual revolution based on love, based on the power of the Spirit. Sid, I’m convinced just like in the Jesus People Movement when there was a massive harvest of hippies, rebels, radicals when I got saved as a heroin shooting teenager, I’m convinced were are going to see a massive outpouring of the love of God in the Homosexual Community and pastors are going to have to start to deal with people coming in. They won’t know how to handle these issues. We’ve got to get ready for an awakening that’s coming in the natural it seems impossible but that’s the gospel, the Messiah is born of a virgin, the forerunner of the Messiah is born to an old woman who can’t have children. God works through impossible situations. I am not looking for gradual cultural improvement through a better government. I am looking for Resurrection; I am looking for awakening by the power of the gospel. In the natural it’s totally impossible, it’s depressing, it’s hopeless, but with God we are about to see change and I believe simply by the purpose of God this book it going to help ignite an awakening in America.
Sid: I believe that too and that’s why I have you on my show. But, I think it is, I mean it is amazing in America a book like yours that every Christian, everyone that says they believe in the name of Jesus, every person that has a child or a grandchild and wants to see that person have the same future that we were able to have; the same opportunities that we were able to have… this is going to be part of great awakening coming to America. Mike tell me just briefly about why this is a threat to our religious liberties.
Mike: Oh, Sid because we are the last bastion in there, there use to be two groups, there was the psychologists and there were the religious people. The psychologists said homosexuality was a disorder, that had to be overcome, that was removed from the books in 1973. The last thing that is standing against the flood of gay activism transforming our nation to the put that it will be consider a disorder to stand against it; that it will be criminal to stand against it; the last bastion, the last hope, the last light is the people of God, the church. If the light within us is darkness, how great is the darkness? Martin Luther King said, “The church is neither the master of the state nor the servant of the state, but the conscience of the state.” We’re the salt and light if we don’t do this it’s over, we can forget about society, family, church as we know it. It’s not hype, its reality.
Sid: What about rewriting the Bible from a gay agenda?
Mike: I own a library of books on this subject, because I dove in to do the research Sid. I own books like, “Queer Bible” commentary and “Religion is a Queer Thing.” I’m not just talking about people trying to say Jonathan and David were lovers or Jesus and John were lovers or Mary and Martha were lovers, I mean it goes on and on, I’m talking about blasphemous stuff by major scholars in the gay and lesbian movement, that’s I’ve got a whole…
Sid: When will someone be like David when he when up against Goliath? Is there not a cause? I mean, can’t you hear the Spirit of God saying that your children, your grandchildren are at stake? I would like people that have bible studies to take your brand new book Mike and make it a Bible study. Let’s get knowledgeable on …we’ve got the media giving us one side and it’s out of the pit of hell, we have Administration lining up with them, we have Hollywood lining up with them, someone somewhere has to be like David.
Mike: Sid, a pastor came up to me, I was in rural North Carolina; I had been invited in by some pastors to talk about this issue. Afterwards they began to come up to me privately to tell me what was happening. One pastor told me this, this is rural North Carolina 2010, he said “my daughter goes to a High School here in the area, I didn’t want to mention the name publically, one of her good friends was on the high school girls softball team, she quit the softball team because she was the only non lesbian on the team; rural North Carolina. A friend of a friend moved from Pace, Florida to Orlando, Florida where she began to teach seventh grade kids, she was a seventh grade school teacher, she couldn’t take it after one year because half of the girls in her seventh grade class identified as Lesbian. This is reality, Sid I’ve talked about these things in public, eye opening, mind boggling things happening in front of her eyes and then I’ve had teachers pull me over afterwards and say you have no idea what’s happening. I’m talking about this stuff we are talking about here. Detailed documented in my …
Sid: Mike, we out of time.