Sid: You know I’m almost chuckling as I think about this but the ancient Rabbis say that when the Rams horn, the shofar is blown it’s not just a musical instrument, but literally it drives the devil crazy, mischugah. Mischugah is a Hebrew word for crazy, now we’re going to have Don Heist on his CD that we’re releasing called “Take Me In” this has worship music with it, the anointing is so strong that when you hear this music it’s going to destroy every yoke of the enemy. But there’s one thing missing and that’s the Word of God. You get the Glory of God, the anointing and I want you to soak in this music and you get the Word or God and we’re making available my brand new DVD; it’s based on forty years of doing investigative reporting of the best Generals that God has on healing. And when you get all these streams of insight on the Word together on healing, I believe as you listen to the full teaching, that one or more of these insights will be the key and then the Glory that’s going to come on you from Don Heist’s blowing the shofar. In fact, that’s what we’ll do… Let’s go to that teaching.
Sid’s teaching excerpt: This is interesting, the word sickness in the Greek in the New Testament can also be translated evil; isn’t that interesting? That means sickness is evil. Can you picture Jesus having evil on Him? He didn’t have any, but He took, He bore your evil, your sickness on Himself, that’s why He said, “Father if I have to I will, not My will but Your will be done.” He understood He had never experienced evil on Himself before until He bore your sins and your sicknesses and your pains and your diseases. I have a friend, he’s a Messianic Rabbi by the name of David Rosenberg and he never got anyone healed in his congregation. He honestly says this and one day he got angry and there was someone with cancer and he commanded the spirit of cancer to leave that person. He never did something so bold as that, and the person got healed! And now he, he’s got a formula, but its working; if it’s working, its okay. Now when he’s praying for someone sick, he says, “Get out you spirit of cancer, you get out, no it depends on what he’s praying for. But, ha-ha, get out you allergy you know, and he gets almost everyone, not everyone but many people are healed; he never had any one healed. You see evil can be sickness or be a demon and if you don’t know cover your bases. Communion, the early church understood communion, we don’t understand it today. Do you know why Jesus said, “Do this often?” At every meal they had bread and wine; they didn’t have water, the water wasn’t too clean. Every meal they had bread and wine so what Jesus said was well look, if you want to fake people out, every time you eat do it in remembrance of what I did for you. Three times a day, not once a week. Not once a month, not once a year, not some priest doing it. My Bible says we’re all priests. Three times a day, and not only that communion is progressive; meaning you get just a little bit healed each time you take it. Like medicine can be progressive right; you take your medicine for awhile and then all of a sudden the symptoms disappear. Well your communion can be progressive and believe, believe that each time you are getting a little more healed. Soaking, oh, that is so important. You don’t come and listen to music laying on the floor with a laundry list. Here’s something that I was thinking about even this morning, either lay on the floor, sit in a comfortable chair, play some music. Say God, this is my time to be with You, to communune with You. I’m not asking a bunch of petitions, I just want You and visualize because I’ve done this; Jesus like I do in my office at the desk, sitting there. Visualize Him coming up and touching you; maybe He’s not even saying anything. Maybe He’s just praying for strength for you, for encouragement. But not your laundry list of things, that’s your time for you to commune with God. I try to do that almost everyday. Forgiveness is the number one area I have found that releases healing. Now, forgiveness, many people teach is a process. It is because feelings take a little time to diminish it is a process but is an immediate act of faith on your part because Jesus said, “I will forgive you the same degree you forgive other people.” What if you were to die, how would you like to be 50% forgiven? You wouldn’t no? So are you going to forgive everyone? Yes, but they don’t deserve it, well neither did you. Does that mean that I have to trust that person? No, they have to earn the trust but does that mean you have to forgive them because you will drink the same poison you want them to drink; you will drink it when you are in unforgiven. Is there anyone that you want to drink poison over? No matter what they’ve done in your life, not me, not me, no matter what they’ve done in your life. Very important principle, the minute and it doesn’t take more than a minute to get offended with someone, spouse, child, someone you work with, someone you go to school with, the second you must choose to forgive them. The longer you wait the more you mow it over the longer the process of feelings take. You don’t ever want it, you don’t have to ever get there. You can be walking in forgiveness twenty-four seven, but you must do it instantly. I’ve seen so many people healed once they’ve forgiven. But you know who most people have to forgive? God, God. You’d say, well I don’t really have to forgive God, but you harbor something against Him because you don’t understand His kingdom. The first one you want to forgive, and He doesn’t need the forgiveness, I might add, you are drinking the poison; you follow me, you don’t want that poison. You need to forgive God, you need to forgive yourself, you need to forgive others no matter what they have done because it’s not worth taking the poison you want them to have. Plain not worth it; besides that it interrupts your intimacy with God, you don’t want that. You have a choice to worry or trust; Luke 12:22 says, “Then He said to his disciples, and this is a command, do not worry.” Did you know that when you worry you’re in pride? P R I D E, did you know that God despises pride? When you worry; I’m just reminding you in the next time you worry you’re in pride. When you are in fear, why? You’re saying, I take this back from you back because you can’t solve it, therefore I’m going to worry which won’t solve anything either, but I feel better. You’re divided; you’re divided when you worry…
Don Heist Shofar Worship excerpt 09.55.0 – 11:38.1