Sid: My guest James Durham says that according to the word of God and according to his experience everyone can visit the throne room as often as they want once they break through to that level. But you know James you provoke me to jealousy; I knew nothing about Jesus; nothing about the invisible world. And you as a matter of fact knew nothing about it except… I mean you came from a nominal; a very nominal Christian background so you had no paradigm at 3 years of age but what happened to you?
James: I was in bed at night and just suddenly I was in a different place; it was an unknown place to me but it was a beautiful place; it was a peaceful place. I saw animals that normally would be enemies lying down together in peace.
Sid: And that’s what the Bible says in the millennium is going to occur.
James: Yes that’s correct. I just suddenly realized that I was in heaven and it was wonderful. I felt such a deep peace in my own heart and I just felt like I was at home; and this was a great blessing for me at that age. That’s primarily of what I remember.
Sid: What’s your family think of this I mean being nominal; what was their opinion?
James: They were not very accepting of this and they thought that I was making it up and that I was not telling the truth and that I was exaggerating and I was chastised for talking about it.
Sid: So at age 6 you’re going to Bible camps and you’re hearing about Jesus but just before you became a believer you had a vision of hell.
James: That’s correct. I was in a service of worship and suddenly it was as if the floor in front of me opened wide open and flames literally I saw them leaping up from the floor in front of me. And I knew that this from the things that I’d been taught in the Vacation Bible School that this was hell and I was sitting right on the edge of it. I knew that if I didn’t make the right choice the right decision that I could just fall into that.
Sid: You know being so young and not having parents that are pushing you there that must have been… and actually thinking that you were making up the vision you had this whole time on your life must have been pretty confusing to you.
James: It was confusing but it was also very comforting because I knew that there was reality beyond what I was experiencing.
Sid: Then your parents didn’t try to talk you out of it. (Laughing)
James: (Laughing) Well they talked me out of talking about what I was experiencing.
Sid: Ah, okay; but then with the experiences you had I mean so sovereign from God when you were age 17 your father is dying and you make a deal with God. You say “God if you let my father live I will become a minister and preach the gospel and your father died.” What affect did it have on you?
James: It was a great disappointment in my heart and I think I went through a time of disillusionment and actually I pulled away for the church. My experiences for a time; I had a lot of anger and disappointment inside of me, made it very difficult for me to feel that closeness to God that I’d felt before.
Sid: But at 17 God in His mercy God did not give up on James Durham. At 17, even though he turned from the things of God, when he reached 21, interesting age, age of accountability so to speak. You reach 21 and you have an audible call to the ministry from God; what was that like?
James: That was just an overpowering kind of experience. I was sitting in a church worship service and I heard God speak to me and He asked me “What was really important to me.” And I think in those years of separation I had gone after the wrong things and as I thought about things in my own mind I brought up some things that might be important like becoming famous; becoming wealthy; having a political influence. But none of those seemed like they were appropriate in this moment with God and I finally came to a conclusion; the only thing for me was to serve Him with my whole life; my whole heart forever.
Sid: Now what were His exact words to you the audible voice?
James: At first was “What was really important to you.” And after I made that choice He said to me “There is nothing else.”
Sid: Meaning?
James: That other than serving Him I’d made the choice I will serve you the rest of my life and as soon as I said that I heard the Lord say “There is nothing else.”
Sid: So you go to Asbury Seminary and this kind of surprises me at Asbury Seminary you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; were they teaching you on this?
James: They did actually teach some things in the course about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit but my experience was apart from that. I was sitting in the living room of my home at that time and I just had a desperate hunger for God and I cried out and I said “I want to have the kind of experience that I read John Wesley had had of being overcome by the Holy Spirit and feeling the fire of God in his heart.” And I wanted to have that; I wanted to have something in my heart not just something in my head. And as soon as I cried out to God this came to me; I just felt a presence over me and fire came into me and something in me just was burned away and changed in my life.
Sid: Help me out, when someone says fire be more descriptive; what do you mean by fire!
James: Fire! It was like fire (Laughing) it wasn’t like the fire I saw when I was 6 years old, but it was like the presence and the power of God and it came with a supernatural heat. It just permeated my body with this warm that seemed to be changing things in me burning away the things that need to go and strengthening, purifying the things that needed to be refined in me.
Sid: Did you speak in a supernatural language at that time?
James: Not at that moment; no I didn’t.
Sid: When did that start?
James: That started much later; actually I didn’t start speaking in a supernatural language knowingly until I was… 2008.
Sid: Okay, but something new started going on in your life; you started operating in what the Bible refers to as words of knowledge and it’s been doing nothing but getting stronger. As a matter of fact did God give you any words of knowledge for our audience?
James: Yes, the Lord says that there’s an anointing today for healing and when I came in today I felt the presence of a healing angel. The Lord said that “Today there’s an anointing for healing the throat.” If any kind of ailment in the throat, it could be a virus or some sort of disease, even cancer of throat could be healed today. I heard the Lord said that “Necks are being healed today that people that have sinus infection that it’s available today; the Lord is healing people today of chronic sinus infections that are just going to go (snaps fingers) like that, in Jesus Name.
Sid: Now when you have a word do you normally pray after the word or just speaking the word does it; how does that operate?
James: Well I usually speak the word and then pray.
Sid: Why don’t you pray right now for those conditions.
James: Okay, well Father God we ask right now in the Name of Yeshua that you would just release that healing angel to be with anyone who needs any of these healings; Lord the healing of the throat; let the power of Your healing ministry come through the touch of that angel and heal the throats of anyone who needs that And Lord I saw people with problems in their spine and their neck and that they desperately need a healing and relieved of pain and set free; so Lord I ask the healing angel touch their neck and let the fire of that touch restore the spine and heal the problems with the neck. And Lord the chronic sinus infections I know those are not of you those of the enemy and so we ask in the name of Yeshua haMashiach that those would be completely healed and that all inflammation would be gone that all pressure headaches would be gone and that there would be a total complete healing in the name of Yeshua; Amen and Amen.
Sid: Now, you teach from Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 about being in the Throne Room, explain that.
James: Well Ephesians 2:6 says “Were seated with Him in heavenly places.” Everything in that verse is in the past tense and I believe that we have a seat there but many of us have never seen it; we have not claimed our Biblical authority to go there and visit. But I just stand on the promises of the word and I just claim it for myself and I claim it for you; that you have a seat in heaven. If you are in Jesus Christ you have a seat with Him in heaven and the Holy Spirit can take you there.
Sid: James what kind of feedback are you getting from people that read the books and sit under the teaching on the 3 CD’s?
James: I hear from people in the meetings that we conduct through email messages; I receive one this morning; a woman who was set free to visit in the 3rd heaven herself. And I hear people now making multiple visits after they’ve read the book or they’ve been in the teaching seminars that we do.
Sid: …I have to tell you I can’t think of anything more important in this day we’re living in if you can have access to the 3rd heaven, access to getting your answers to the questions you’re pondering right in the secret place it to me it’s fascinating. James goes to heaven to the Throne Room to the very secret place often and gets information. God has commissioned him to teach the past tense of God’s word that we are already seated at the right hand of God the Father with Jesus. Jesus is at the right hand and we are seated in Him, therefore, we can have such intimacy. And he has special teaching CD’s and 2 books “Beyond the Ancient Door” and “7 Levels of Glory” and this is how to book. The CD’s are prayers of impartation and the books will show you how there’s 7 levels in which God wants to reveal Himself to you through His glory. And there’s 7 levels in which God draws you up to Him in His glory all things are possible.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth