SID: There are, let’s call them symptoms of spiritual attacks. Tell us a few that we might not even think of. You mentioned one to me that I never even thought about it: loneliness.
RYAN: Loneliness. The enemy plays a real trick on people’s minds in their loneliness, delayed promises. You know, there is a kairos time for every prophetic promise and Galatians talks about. “We will reap if we faint not.” Well the enemy tries to weary us, that we give up on the promise. You were talking earlier about a prophetic promise in your own life. Sometimes there’s a passing of time. Confusion about purpose is another attack. People get confused about what am I supposed to do? Do you know a spiritual attack can actually create physical fatigue and exhaustion. Elijah was under the juniper tree and couldn’t wake up. He was under an attack of heaviness. So there’s many, many symptoms and if you can identify the symptoms you can recognize the attack. That’s a key.
SID: You told me you were at a major ministry and you were explaining these principles and then, and this is a large ministry. These are really quality people. And they came up to you, members of this ministry, and what did they say?
RYAN: They said, “When I hear you describe these symptoms I have the majority or several of them said, “I have every single symptom and I had no idea I was under an attack. Will you pray and break it.” And we started praying and breaking it, and that breaker anointing, that Micah 2:13 breaker anointing came into that room and God started setting those people free.
SID: Is it difficult? Was it difficult for, I mean, you did so much junk before you were a believer, as I did, too, as many of you did. Was it difficult for you to get free once you were desperate and you wanted to be?
RYAN: No, it wasn’t, Sid. And here’s the thing. The Bible says where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. And you know as you’re talking I just feel right now the power of the Holy Ghost coming to set people free. It’s not hard for you to get set free. I see people with attacks of confusion. I see somebody with the spirit of fear that you’re fearful to leave your house. I believe ever here in the studio audience people are under attack. Someone has a frozen shoulder. There’s a spirit of infirmity. Your shoulder can’t move. It’s being healed right now. Somebody else, your neck, you had an injury and they fused something together. The Lord is miraculous healing your neck. I want to pray for you. I want to ask the audience at home and here to lift your voice right now and begin to cry out to the Lord. Come on, lift your voices and begin to cry out to the Lord right now. Father, I thank you for that Micah 2:13 breaker anointing. I break the spirit of fear. I command the spirit of fear to loose people. I command the spirit of pain and infirmity to loose people. I command deafness to loose people. Somebody that their left side has not been restored after a stroke, I release the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ on your left side. I say receive a miracle right now. I break confusion, prophets that are confused. I break that spirit of confusion. I say you will and you shall prophesy with clarity. I release that breaker anointing now. In the name of Jesus, be free right now. In Jesus’ name, shout to the Lord with a voice triumph. Hallelujah!
SID: You know, some of you may be thinking, well if I could just get a hold of those two guys and they would set me free, if the King of the Universe lives inside of you, Jesus the Messiah, if you have repented of your sins and been born from above, you are qualified to cast out demons, pray for the sick, speak in new tongues. Give me a break. There’s millions of people that are going to need your help shortly and God has chosen you. Now what are you going to do about it?
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth