Our Guest Todd Smith
SID: Now you told me that there was a medical doctor that did scientific tests about praying in tongues and the immune system.
TODD: A fascinating study that we uncovered and discovered. Carl Peterson at ORU did a study on the effects of praying in the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues. And he came to the conclusion in his research that if you pray in tongues consistently… Now here’s the language that he uses, very important, that there are extended periods of time in praying in tongues. Not just one or two sentences once or twice a week, but extended times of praying in tongues. That the immune system of that individual gets boosted 35 to 40%. 35 to 40%, their immune system gets activated. Why? Because praying in tongues does impact a part of the brain where your immune system is centered and that’s the hypothalamus. So they ran the test and found out that, that part of the brain is activated and functioning at a high level when we pray in tongues and it released a supernatural immunity in our bodies.
SID: I’m wondering if it does any other thing, whether it gets charged beyond immunity. I have an idea, there’s a lot more things that are there.
TODD: There’s a lot more. I agree.
SID: Now you talk about use of phrase, flipping the switch, explain.
TODD: Flipping the switch because people ask me all the time. I prayed in tongues at one time, but I don’t any more because I’m waiting on a feeling. I don’t feel it. I don’t know. It’s not the same. I tell them, it’s like walking into a room and you walk into the room and the light is off, but you flipped a switch on and the light comes on. When you walk out of the room, you flipped the switch down and the light goes off. I tell people, praying in tongues is no different. When you pray in English, your tongue is connected to your brain. As I’m communicating to you Sid, everything that I’m saying started right here and in a nanosecond has made its way through my mouth. And I give words to it.
Now, praying in the Holy Ghost. Praying in tongues is when my tongue is connected to my spirit. Paul says that when I pray in tongues, my spirit prays. So I have to learn the discipline of flipping the switch from praying in English, to connecting my tongue to my spirit. And the more you pray in the spirit, the easier that becomes, and you don’t wait on a feeling. You don’t wait on an emotion. You don’t wait when the worship music is on. It is as natural as breathing. You flip the switch from your head to your spirit, and then you give voice to those words coming out of your spirit.
SID: Now, many that are viewing right now, have never spoken in tongues. Others use this marvelous gift, very little. Both groups will change when we return.
SID: Todd, you and I have both witness. There are methods that the enemy uses to stop us from praying in tongues, because he realizes this weapon means we’re praying perfect prayers with perfect faith. And he goes, Hebrew word, meshuggeneh. Crazy. What are some of the methods he uses against people about praying in tongues?
TODD: Well, for one, he tells us that we’re not making a difference. That what we’re doing is null and void. Since we don’t understand it, we’re thinking he saying, “Ah, you’re just wasting your time.” Everybody I know wants to have their prayers answered. And every time we pray in the Holy Spirit, we pray the perfect will of God. So it stands to reason that the devil is going to use every means possible to keep us from this supernatural ability to communicate with our heavenly father. Absolutely. So he works overtime, minimizing it and maximizing us praying in English.
When I pray in English, I only pray what I know. I’m limited, but when I pray in the Holy Spirit, it’s the possibilities are endless because the spirit of God prays perfectly through me, the will of God.
SID: Okay. Tell me a few supernatural benefits of praying in tongues.
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth