Our Guest Emma Stark
EMMA: Sid, this has gripped my insides. You and I get to live in the days where the entire people of God are going to become a prophetic people. You can feel the eagerness of heaven to make this your and my norm and you who are watching’s norm. You and I are living in the days where the prophetic revelatory church is being birthed. Every one of us is going to have visions and dreams and encounters and see Jesus.
EMMA: We have diluted Yeshua. We have diluted Jesus Christ to be just my wee tiny little personal savior. There, there. Pat me on the back, make me feel good. But in this monstrous shaking, what we’re not able to see in people’s hearts is those who say, “I don’t just need a wee savior occasionally. I need a king. I need somebody who’s on a throne. I need a kingdom that I can be a member of because nothing on this earth works the way it should. It is only your kingdom, your ways, your government that is secure.” So we understand that the shaking, my family, is not just an unkindness. It’s a necessity to make us all go, “Jesus, you are king. I need your kingdom and your government because I see what is on the world and in the earth doesn’t actually work.”
SID: So many people, and I’m amazed, even people that are Christians, are fearful. They’re fearful of COVID, they’re fearful of finances, they’re fearful of politics, they’re fearful of race relationship. But you actually pray for people that are fearful. You’ve had thousands set free from fear. Explain.
EMMA: I love how the name of Jesus terrifies demons. I just love it. And actually, I think the fear is fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of dying young, fear of sickness. There’s an awful lot of that around. Fear of man is massive, Sid. Most of us at some point touch that. But the name of Jesus is so powerful. You do not need to live like that. I actually believe that the shaking, Jesus is saying to his remnant, to you and I who are the bride of Christ, guys, he’s saying to us, “Church bride,” he’s saying to us, “I need you faith filled.” Because you and I are about to have to take some decisions that are the riskiest we’ve ever taken. I actually believe that God is saying to his people, “Come on, now. I love you, but you need to leap. And you need to leap, not presumptively, but you need to leap.” And actually to leap, you need faith, not fear. I feel like the Lord has got me on this.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth