Sid: My guest by way of telephone John and Anne Gimenez, many of you are familiar with them. Anne was written up in Charisma Magazine she’s Senior Pastor of Rock Church in Virginia Beach. And she is the only woman in America Charisma said pasturing a church of the size of theirs which is about 5000 people. They’ve been pasturing for about 35 years. John Gimenez is Bishop of the Rock Ministerial Fellowship some 600 churches worldwide. And John how old are you?
John: I will be 73 in November.
Sid: Do you know any Hebrew? Are you a “bissel” in Yiddish? Are you a “bissel mishuga?” Do you know what I’m talking about?
John: No.
Sid: That’s a little crazy. What in the world are you doing calling America to the Washington Mall to repent and fast and pray for the survival of this nation? Now I know you did 3 or 4 of these Like in 1980 you had a million Christians on the mall and in 1988 I think that you had 1.2 million Christians. And then in ’96 and you’ve been doing these things. Why, what do you need this for?
John: Well I wish I didn’t have to do it but it’s always been in times of emergency; just like they did as you know in the Jewish family when there was danger or when the king was approaching they’d blow the shofar. Then the people would gather and for some reason the Lord is sort of tapes us on the shoulder and said “I want you to blow the shofar of emergency.” And each time we have it’s because there’s been a very very serious situation. This being probably the most serious ever; we’ve been there 3 times before. But God has used us also overseas in fact in Berlin. Before the Berlin wall came down we were called from Germany by pastors to show them what we did here in ’80. And they, after instructions and working with them, they went and they went and they stood before the Berlin Wall. And they prayed just like we did here; and of course Reagan came after that and that wall is down. Because we believe that it wasn’t that Gorbachev bring the wall down it was more like Jesus bring the wall down, and that’s the way. That’s what happened and so when God has called us once again Sid because we’re in big big trouble.
Sid: You know speaking of trouble John I received a prophecy from a prophet from India. It seems as though God is sending people from other countries to prophecy to us. And he’s a very very accurate prophet. I want to read his Sadu Sundar Selvaraj. And let me read just a portion of this prophecy. Because you know Mishpochah that this is as serious and as critical… I mean this is literally do or die for America to continue as the great nation that it always has. But let me read this prophecy to you.
Prophetic Word by Sadu Sundar Selvaraj: So when the angel of the United States of America came and stood before me I trembled and quaked every time a saw an angel of a nation, I always tremble and quake in my heart because of the awesome anointing and authority they have. When he came and stood before me he told me an awesome judgment is going to come upon America very soon, an awesome judgment. When he spoke I felt a fear a godly fear running through my bones and my spirit. This is not a judgment that would destroy the entire nation but something quite similar to what happened with the twin towers but it can all be prevented IF rivers of intercession flow in the nation. This is the word that He told me to speak and I saw that if you will take this seriously a hug river flowing all throughout the center of your country (That’s the United States of America) if it flows a river of tears, rivers of intercession. (Just as this angel was speaking I saw this huge white river flowing from the east to the west, only that would prevent this judgment that would come). And then I saw this angel where he was positioned and where he was standing guarding over the United States of America, he was standing very near to where the Statue of Liberty is a huge gigantic angel. If you read in Revelation chapter 10 John saw this huge and mighty. One of his legs was on the earth and his other leg was on the sea and he stretched out his hand he reached to the sun. Can you imagine what a gigantic figure he must have been probably as tall as the Sears Tower or the former World Trade Center. Such a huge gigantic angel standing guard over the United States of America. My dearly beloved brother and sisters as he was speaking words he said “This is the word that you should preach.” And then I saw the heavens open and from the throne of God this word came to me; visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children and upon the children’s children onto the third and fourth generation the judgments of God. Don’t you believe any of the false prophets who preach to you after 9/11 saying it was not a judgment of God. I tell you as a non-American as a holy prophet of God what happened was a judgment from God. You know that when I first came to America on 1991 on the 4th of July, your Independence Day. I was in a conference scheduled to speak. As I was worshiping the Lord I saw the heavens open before me and the Lord Jesus Christ stood there and He told me “Now I’m going to give you a word for this nation.” Among the 3 things that He showed me they all have come to pass. But I will tell you one thing that concerns you right now. I saw the flag of America. You know I’ve never seen a people like the Americans who love their nation so much and are so patriotic about their great nation. That is good; when I traveled in your country I use to see these huge gigantic flags that fly so majestically in some parts of the country. I feel very proud as if I myself was an American. The same American flag I saw in the heavens but instead of flying in the right direction it was flying in the reverse direction. And the Lord Jesus Christ was standing at the flag and knocking on the flag, and as He was knocking I saw the words “Last call.” Flashing, last call was flashing and flashing and then the word of the Lord came onto me. “This nation, the flag that you see flying in the reverse direction is the heart of this nation that has turned away from righteousness and is walking towards unrighteousness. She has turned her back towards Me, yet I am still calling her. Last call, last call, last call.” And for the 3 months that I was in the US during that period every church and every conference that I went to I was commanded to share this vision and ask the American people to pray for your country. But you know I was very aghast to notice that the Americans, especially American Christians take very lightly such words. Because you think that the non-Christian Americans deserve God’s judgment. You really don’t love your country. You think you love your country but deep down in your heart you don’t really love your country, you have such a self righteous attitude thinking that the non-Christians deserve the judgment of God and you deserve heaven. Don’t you think that when the twin towers came down many Christians also perished. When the economy of New York City came to a standstill how many Christians also suffered economic losses. Thirty thousand Indians working in New York City were sent back home, overnight 30,000 Indians lost their jobs. They came back home among them many Christians; they wrote to me for prayer. When the judgment of God comes remember even the righteous may have to suffer. When God’s judgments came upon Israel and she was taken captive to Babylon righteous Daniel was among them, he was a captive. When Israel was under the captivity of another nations righteous Jeremiah was there, right Nehemiah was there. Righteous saints also go into the captivity. Don’t you forget that, don’t forget that. You have been duped by all the false teachers and false prophets diluting you and deceiving you that you will always be protected. As a result, you’re suffering from spiritual lethargy. Hearing only that which you want to hear and switching off what you don’t want to hear. You know of you it is written in the Bible, those that have itching ears only wanting to hear pleasant words. My dear brothers and sisters the judgments of God are real, the countdown has begun.
Sid: John Gimmenez who is my guest, what do you think about the prophecy that I just read?
John: I believe it’s right on, God has spoken not only to our brother in India but we’re getting words from around different parts of the nation and overseas. We have people coming from India, people coming from Europe, people coming from South America. They’re all coming here to pray for us. Cause they realize that not just a storm or not just tidal waves or whatever. This is judgment from God! That’s a whole lot different than when you’re fighting man. When God says “That’s it,” brother there’s nowhere that you can hide. And we have been blessed, America has been blessed. But now God is saying “Either you repent, either you do what I say according to My word and you do it My way or you will suffer the consequences and that means the church also.”
Sid: You know I’m reading my notes on some of the things that you’ve talked about America for Jesus. And you said “One of the areas of judgment is our legal system.” What do you mean by that?
John: Well, right now we’re experiencing the spirit of Haman in this land. The same spirit in the book of Esther. Haman targeted God’s people; right now we’re having laws past that are targeting the Bible, targeting the church. There’s laws being prepared what they call “Hate speech in the name of tolerance or intolerance.” But really it’s aimed at the church so that we cannot speak as oracles of the Lord the Word of the Lord that condemns and judge, judge certain activities human activities. God said “I will not tolerate these things and we are passing the spirit of Haman.” In our court system is passing these laws in order to destroy the very present and the Name of God in this land.
Sid: John, I’m going to have you hold that thought we’ll pick up right here on tomorrows broadcast. Mishpochah literally you can hear the shofar blast. It’s October 22nd all day. It’s going to be a day of prayer, fasting and repentance. It’s called America for Jesus; it’s going to be in Washington, DC at the National Mall… I’m going to be there. Why? Because I love the freedoms we have I love the freedom to be able to preach the gospel worldwide and I don’t want to see this stop in Jesus Name.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth