Sid: Mishpochah is a Hebrew word it means family and we’re the Mishpochah the family with a Jewish heart made up with Jewish and non-Jewish people. Why? Because the middle wall of separation has come down and these 2 have become something greater than it’s parts we’ve become what Paul calls the one new man the Body of Messiah. Why, because we are about ready to see the glory come to the church. We’re about ready to see the greatest move of God’s Spirit in history. I tell you heaven is closer to earth at this moment than at any other time in history. And the Messiah has come to set the captives free, to open the prison doors but there are some areas in your life of compulsive habits, of smoke symptoms if you will of what’s really going on in your soul that you have buried so deep that you’re not really aware of it. And if you’re not free how can you set other people free and God is having you listen this week to get the tools from Craig Hill Founder of Family Foundations… Craig we were talking yesterday about how shame goes from generation to generation.
Craig: Right.
Sid: And you had a case with your own son he said a bad word, the teacher told you about it you turned all different shades of color you were embarrassed, you wanted to show her you were a man of God and you know how to discipline your son right in front of her. You were headed towards your son and you were arrested by the Holy Spirit what happened?
Craig: Yeah He stopped me right there Sid and He said “What are you doing?” And I said “I’m going to discipline my son.” And the Lord said “No, you’re not your going to shame him.” And I said “What do you mean Lord?” And He said “You’re going to connect his value to his works and you’re going to make him feel he’s worthless because of what he did.” And the Lord said “That’s not my attitude toward him he does need to be disciplined but he’s not worthless.” And the Lord said “The reason you’re doing that is because you feel so worthless on the inside as a Pastor and as a father.” And the Lord said “That is shame” and the Lord said “You’re going to have to deal with your own shame before you’re even qualified to be able to minister properly to your son.” And you know it took me an hour at home of allowing the Lord to open that up to me expose to me that feeling, that deep feeling on the inside of worthlessness, the lie that the enemy had put on the inside that because your son sad a bad word you’re a worthless father, you’re a worthless pastor, you have no value.” And the Lord said “That’s a lie and it’s deep rooted emotionally within you. The truth is I love you you’re my son; and you’re value doesn’t float up and down based on the behavior of a 4 year old.” And once I got a revelation on that on an emotional level and the Lord really spoke truth to me it set me free.” Which is what Jesus said of course in John chapter 8 verse :32 “You’ll know the truth and the truth will set you free.” And then when I was free inside then I was able to minister to my son and to share with him that was a bad word and that he did need some discipline he needed a spanking, he needed some correction. But he didn’t need me to make him feel worthless because he did that he needed me to let him know that I still loved him, that God loved him, that his destiny did not change, his value had not changed, but there was correction and discipline coming because of what he had done wrong. And I was able to do that and I know that that was an experience that sowed life into him rather than death, it sowed honor and glory into him rather than shame which was what the devil intention is.
Sid: You maintained that actually the opposite of shame is glory, what do you mean?
Craig: I really think that’s true. It says in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 7 speaking of man “Thou has made him a little lower than the angels, Thou has crowned him with glory and honor.” God intended for us to experience the feeling of honor and glory, glory of course is a feeling of great value. Shame is the opposite of feeling of great value it’s a feeling of worthlessness of having no value. So as we were talking you were talking just at the beginning of this broadcast that God is just about to pour out His glory upon this earth. Which is experiencing small measures of it, little tastes of it but there’s intense glory that’s coming that’s the intensity of the value of who God is and the value of who we are and what He paid for us by the blood of Messiah.
Sid: You know in your tape series you identify areas of shame that are actually hidden to many believers could you tell us a few.
Craig: Well so many times we don’t recognize that same really is the root of a lot of compulsive behavior, we don’t realize that we’re shaming other people when we’re connecting their value to their works. And so some of the areas that shame is imparted, well maybe I can share a little bit some of how shame get’s imparted because as you just alluded to it’s a hidden type of thing. Many times we’re shaming people around us, shaming people in our own family as a result of our own shame and don’t know it. I identified in the tapes 7 rules as it were in a shame based home. In other words, if you do these things this will identify shame. Many times people don’t realize it. Really if we start with rule number 0.
- Rule Number 0 is “There is a rule maker and the rule maker is always right.” In other words “I’m the father around here everybody does as I say.” Or maybe the grandmother or mother could be anybody.
But rule
- Number 1 is: “Always remain in control of all behavior, all feelings and circumstances.
- Rule Number 2: Better do everything right, always be right.
- Rule Number 3: is an interesting one when rules 1 and 2 fail and things do get out of control blame somebody. In other words never take responsibility if anything that doesn’t work blame somebody else in your life for things that don’t work.
- Rule Number 4: Deny everybody in the family any expression of personhood. In other words nobody gets to share feelings, thoughts, needs, desires, hopes, dreams. If you share any of those kind of things in a shame based family you’ll be ridiculed and told “You’re stupid, you’re foolish, you shouldn’t even think those things.”
- Rule Number 5: Always hide and maintain secrecy with anything that’s wrong. In other words we establish a vast appearance management system so that we make everything look okay on the outside even when things are not okay. And by doing that again we just retain all of the shame on the inside and continue to shame everybody else.
Sid: Would you say that someone that has to control every circumstance behind that is shame.
Craig: Always, always behind all of control is shame.
Sid: Could that have infected even the church from the pastor down?
Craig: You know what I think it does infest a lot of churches that where there’s a deep fear even on the inside of the pastor of things being out of control, things not working the way he wants…
Sid: So what happens if God wants to do something that Pastor has never seen before he’ll cut it off before it has a chance to manifest and show the fruit.
Craig: Absolutely, out of the deep seated fear on the inside that something might get out of control and that really is a manifestation and a symptom of shame needing to control everything to make sure everybody does things right, that everybody does what I want them to do. Because when shame is deep in the heart shame says “When something gets out of control that’s how I can get blamed, that’s how I can get hurt, that’s how somebody can make me feel worthless.” And so the way that I can keep everything in tact and I keep myself valuable is I just make sure I control everything and then nobody ever does anything that they’re not supposed to.
Sid: Let’s go back very briefly to your book “Bondage Broken.” You point out something that when you’re soul is out of peace and you don’t even know it you medicate it through watching television, through gossiping, through lying, through exaggerating, through criticizing, through addictions, through overeating, through sexual perversions. Explain that briefly.
Craig: Again the concept is simply this – those external things that we do we struggle with anger or impure thoughts or all of those things that you mentioned are really external symptoms they’re like smoke. They’re always emanating from a fire because the soul is out of peace. So when the mind, will and emotions are out of peace the flesh engages to try to bring a false comfort a false…
Sid: Even though your mind doesn’t know that your soul is out of peace your still by that smoke that’s the only way sometimes you can tell.
Craig: The way that you can tell is the external symptom of seeing the smoke observing that hey this is going on and again it’s not there for no reason it has a reason it has a reason. And beneath that soul being out of peace there’s always a deep rooted fear of some sort, that I’m not valuable. And again shame is really a type of fear, shame is a feeling I’m worthless, I’m of no value. And when that is working on the inside then people are going to do something that provided comfort. And again all we usually tell people to do is to try harder, pray more, read the word more all of which are good things, but they won’t set a person free. What a person needs in order to really be free is to interact with the Lord Jesus Christ allow Him really to identify the fuel from which that fire is emanating…
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth