Sid: We want everyone everywhere to walk in supernatural signs and wonders and I have just the man that God’s raised up on the telephone. I am speaking to Rick Taylor he is the head of the Healing Rooms of Santa Maria Valley, California where there has been a spectacular outbreak of the miraculous. Rick tells me that most people that have cancer when they go there they leave healed. Many of them have to go many times but his staff does not give up. As I understand it you encourage people, well some people feel that it’s a lack of faith if I keep going but you don’t look at it that way do you?
Rick: Well what we do we tell people we’ll contend for your healing and even back in John G. Lakes day you know John Lake contended and there’s stories of people that came 30 times to his healing rooms and on the 30th time they got healed.
Sid: Now for those that are not familiar with John G. Lake why don’t you briefly tell us about his ministry?
Rick: Well yeah John Lake about 85 years ago had healing rooms in Spokane, Washington and during that time a 5 year period there were over 100,000 documented healings that took place in the city of Spokane.
Sid: Is it true that the doctors were upset with him?
Rick: Well you know the doctors did not like John Lake and the reason why is because they were going bankrupt.
Sid: (Laughing)
Rick: So many people were getting healed that it literally shutdown the medical industry in the city. And so they did not like John Lake.
Sid: Now he had…now this John Lake had a vision that the healing rooms would be spread throughout everywhere in the world didn’t he?
Rick: That was his vision, yes his vision was to see every city in the United States having a healing room and then eventually go around the world. Now he never saw that in his lifetime. What the Lord showed me is that you know sometimes you know it’s like a seed. A vision is like a seed it has to die and then go into the ground and it’s just the right time God perfect timing He comes and waters that seed and then that seed begins to sprout and grow and begins to produce fruit. And that’s what we’re seeing now 85 years later we’re seeing these healing rooms spring up all over the United States and even going around the world. We have in Germany alone we go there and visit every year they want to start 30 healing rooms in Germany alone.
Sid: Now to me it’s so spectacular because I hate this evil disease called cancer that most people with cancer they go to your healing rooms are being healed. Tell me about one.
Rick: Well we have a wonderful one I want to talk about a woman her name is Marty from Sacramento. She was from a background the church that taught her healing was not for today. She actually thought she was sick for God’s glory and I had to tell he “you know what “God is not gloried when we we’re sick, He’s gloried when we’re healed.” But she was telling me she had a brain cancer, and brain tumors and also spinal cancer and tumors. Doctors gave her anywhere from 3 to 6 months to live, gave her no hope. They said “We might be able to prolong a few months if we give her radical surgery which would have made her quadriplegic. She opted not to do that, she came actually to one of our healing seminars. As she listened to us for a day and half talking about the healing work and how God it is God’s will to heal. Not only is He able but He’s willing to heal. And as we began to unfold the truth you know that Jesus said “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” And she began to hear the truth through the scripture Old and New Testament her mind set changed. And as our team was praying for her at the end of the seminar she said she felt like “Somebody lifted off the top of her skull and began to pour in room-temperature milk.” And she said “She felt that milk going down her brain, down her neck into her arm, down her torso all the way down into her feet. And she said “It was the most amazing feeling that she’s ever experienced; she said “This feeling lasted for about an hour and she just knew God was healing her. Well she made an appointment to go back and see her doctor, her doctor thoroughly checked her out and he cannot find a single cancer cell or tumor in her body anywhere. The doctor said “You know what you’re a miracle woman I can’t explain this and she told him it was Jesus, Jesus healed me.”
Sid: Rick put your wife Lori on I’d like to talk to her for a moment. I’m speaking to Lori Taylor Lori I want you to tell me a resent healing involving cancer that you’re aware of in your healing room.
Lori: Okay I had a woman named Mary she had breast cancer and it had gone into her liver. The doctor gave her 3 months to live and she’s been coming to the healing rooms for a few months now and feeling every time she comes that God does something. And now it’s been several months and it’s completely healed. And we prayed for her on Tuesday and she said “She just wanted to come in one last time and just have the finishing touches” and she’s just amazed she’s a Catholic woman. And it’s just wonderful to see God transforming life like that.
Sid: Let me speak to your husband one more time.
Lori: Okay.
Sid: Rick what about some other types of diseases like say Crones disease?
Rick: We had a woman named Jackie came to our San Jose training who had Crones disease. And I don’t know if you know what Crones is but it’s debilitating it…she could not walk any more. With a cane and somebody assisting her she can walk short distances. It’s also devastated her intestines and her digestive system.
Sid: Is there any cure for Crones disease?
Rick: Absolutely nothing you can do for Crones.
Sid: Hm.
Rick: And she could only eat very small portions of certain foods that were very bland. But anyway as the word was going out the healing word was going out something hit her and she began to feel better. And at the end of the training she walked up to me and said “Boy I could barely walk before with assistance but look I’m walking with this cane and sometimes I don’t even have to use this cane.” Well we prayed for her and then we went to lunch. Now this lady actually went to lunch with us and we went to a Chinese restaurant and we all ordered certain dishes and we had in the middle all of the different dishes where people would help themselves. All of a sudden this woman’s appetite came back after 30 years and she ate 4 plates of spicy Chinese food. God completely healed her digestive system.
Sid: Now that’s as acid a test that I know!
Rick: Yeah (Laughing) and then the strength started increasing in her body she was getting better and better and better as each minute was going on. Well we were walking out of the restaurant downtown San Jose and in the parking lot I hear a woman not walking but running; saying “look at me, look at me.” And as I turned around and looked it was Jackie she was running with her arms in the air tears streaming down her face she got to me she started jumping up and down and dancing. God completely, completely healed her, restored her she’s completely healed of Crones disease.
Sid: Tell me about that man that he was in his early 70’s and the doctors sent him home to die because he had bone cancer that was spread throughout his entire body.
Rick: Well it’s true the doctors said “There’s nothing else we can do for you you have 2 weeks to live” and he was in tremendous pain even though he was on morphine. His wife heard about us and they came to us and a team began to pray for this man. Now this man describes like it was like this, he was so intense he couldn’t stand it but as the team began to pray he felt it it started at his feet. The pain left his feet and he felt like something rolling through his body and all of a sudden up to his knees was pain free. And up to his hips and then actually all of the pain rolled out of his head and he was completely completely pain free. And that’s all we knew; all we knew was that God took his pain away which we were so thankful for. Two weeks later this man was supposed to be dead he drives himself up to our healing room by himself walks into my office dressed normally and perfectly. He said “Rick I have not had any pain since you guys prayed for me, I’ve got 90% of my strength back and I’m back at work and I’m playing golf with my buddies.”
Sid: And you know what is so exciting to me if God used you Rick to lay hands on the sick and they were healed I would be extremely excited, however I believe that you’re a fore-runner of the next and the greatest move of God’s Spirit on planet earth because it’s not going to be a superstar revival and healings, it’s so transferable. For instance you were telling he about this pastor from Isabella, California you laid hands on him or prayed for him and what happened?
Rick: Yes, well he came to us last week and he observed and then our team prayed impartation on him. And it is a transferable anointing God wants to see people healed more than we want to see them healed and we love to give it away. My favorite part of the ministry is going out and taking it and giving it away.
Sid: Listen you prayed for me as you may recall when we did a television show together and in the airport coming home I saw a woman walking with a cane next to me. I walked up and I said “Mind if I pray for you, lots of people are getting healed.” And she said “Please.” And I did and she was instantly healed it is a transferable anointing.
Rick: Wow, that’s amazing.
Sid: So what happened in that church is Isabella?
Rick: Well this pastor went back to his church and began to tell them what he experienced and then he invited those who needed healing to come forward and miracles broke out in his church. And ever since now he’s had meetings and midweek meetings also and people are getting healed and he’s never seen healing in this church.
Sid: Can you picture what’s going to happen when an army of people in this city take this healing anointing out in the highways and byways where it’s meant to be rather where it’s meant to be rather than the four walls of the church?
Rick: That’s so key to what God’s about to do. You know most of Jesus’ miracles were in the streets. And I tell my team “You know what God is bigger than any 4 walls of any church or any ministry and we’re seeing miracles here in Santa Maria in the shopping centers, in the restaurants, in the bank. We’re seeing them in Lens Crafters, in grocery stores, or our team is going out and just like you said laid hands on the sick their looking for them and their getting healed.
Sid: Do you find that the more people pray the greater the results they see.
Rick: You bet. That’s right…
Sid: We’re out of time.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth