This was actually flight number 45. So, they had a little bit more experience here. And this picture, on the internet was titled “Soaring”. But here’s a point I want you to get. The revelation, natural law revelation, allowed man to reach new heights. I mean, I came here today or yesterday from Tulsa, Oklahoma flying on an airplane, you know probably 25 to 30,000 feet up in the air. We’ve come a long way since 1903, when Orville and Wilbur Wright showed us that they could soar with their invention of the airplane. But what was really happening is, literally, God gave them the invention. God gave man the idea; the revelation to reach new height. So here’s the point. The revelation of the Word today; the revelation of the principles of truth from the Word of God that God is giving us today is allowing us to walk at a higher level. It’s amazing how much science today is confirming the truth of God’s Word. Science now shows us principles and precepts, as an example, calling those things that be not as though they are. We actually see now when we look at quantum physics that the observer to an experiment affects the experiment. We affect the world that we’re living in. You affect the world where you work, where you play, where you live. How? By what’s in your heart, and more significantly, what comes out of your mouth. Principles and precepts… God showed us all the way back from the beginning of time with Adam and Eve up until now; you know, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So we need to dig into this. And we need to recognize that God really is giving us the ability to get out of the fish tank; to get out of the limiting world that we have lived in that has had us captive. It’s time to break out and step into the fullness of life in the supernatural; operating again, with the power of God, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Putting some things up on the screen there I’ve already said, going through my notes there. Again, what’s so important is recognizing, for me what’s important, God doesn’t break laws. That’s not in His nature. That’s not in His character. So when you understand, again, the nature and the character of God that He doesn’t break laws, he works within the laws of creation; is how we go to new levels and new heights. And again, you need to have the foundation because, you know, when you start operating into the realm of the supernatural, there’s a very real devil out there that will accommodate as many people as he can. And he transforms himself into an angel of light. That’s why it’s so significant you have the firm foundation with the Word of God. So God works within the laws of creation and He reveals what we need at specific times to reach new levels in the Spirit and accomplish His will on the earth. Amen?
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth