SID: Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Doug Jones and are you ready have you got that switch of faith turned on even now? But the question is posed Doug; it’s one thing to preach it, it’s another thing to teach it, but it is more important to live it. Question: have you ever been sick?
DOUG: Sure.
SID: And have you practiced what you are preaching and seen results?
DOUG: Yes sir, very much so. We are people who are belief governed we are to live by what we believe. And that doesn’t mean we don’t go to doctors we need to make that clear, and that does not mean that we do not corporate with the medical science, with the medical field that we do not in many times take the operation. That does not mean anything about that at all. No time does the Bible ever say that taking medication or going to doctors or cooperating with the doctors is a sign of doubt and in belief. And so in many cases it is going to be medical science and your faith working together that creates the changes in our lives. And I run into a lot of people that think that going to doctors taking medicines, just shows a lack of faith. It is not a sign of lack in faith. The Bible says that if you have the power in your hand to do good and you hold it well then that is wrong. And so if we have the power to cooperate with the doctors then cooperate with the doctors, but in the meantime keep the switch of faith turned on.
SID: Now you also said that there was a third ingredient and that is rather than making it a formula, yielding to the Holy Spirit in each specific instance.
DOUG: Yes,
SID: What do you mean by that?
DOUG: We need to be led by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God can guide you through passages that what will I call, “tweak” your beliefs; causes your beliefs to be more fined tuned. Many times the Spirit of God will direct you; maybe through a teaching or maybe through a tape or maybe through a pastor that can bring you to the point to where you need to be. The Spirit of God, the Bible says in John 14 and John 16, will guide you and lead you into all truth. He will teach you all things, so we need to be sensitive to the Spirit of God.
SID: Speaking being sensitive to the Spirit of God, I tell you right now that the Spirit of God is increasing your faith to believe, there is a healing anointing that is going to pour out of your television, get ready get in place, Doug pray.
DOUG: Father in the name of Jesus, we just thank you father, that you have supplied healing on us through the death burial resurrection father through your son and through his crucifixion the healing power of God was made available to man kind. Because you knew that we were going to need healing long before we ever knew that sickness could be acquired. And so father we thank you that in Jesus name as we pray that the healing power of God is being administered to everybody, to every single individual that needs healing we thank you father…
SID: Doug, I just feel that I have to interrupt you right now and I just want you to take your hand and put it on your body because he is going to because the Bible says that those that believe in the name of Jesus will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Will, will, will! Go ahead continue.
DOUG: Yes and so in father Jesus name we just thank you that your healing power is administered now and we command every body to be healed from the top of their head to the soles of their feet, the healing power of God be administered to your body. And so because we believe that we received when we prayed, father we thank you for your goodness, we thank you father that it is working mightily within each body and father from this point on we believe that we received we believe that we are recovering now in the name of Jesus. And father we thank you for those things giving you the glory and giving you the praise because each day will be a better day. Each day father will be a pain free day, and father we thank you that in Jesus name that your power is at work within our bodies in the name of Jesus amen.
SID: And for those that did not have the instant manifestation, tell them what to do between now and the manifestation occurs look in the camera and tell them.
DOUG: Believing that we are receiving when we pray, Mark 11 verse 24, with the spirit of Thanksgiving, father thank you that your power is at work within my body, every time that you think of it, it maybe when you take that medicine out of the cabinet you know take your daily dose, it maybe when you take the shot, it maybe when you walk into the doctors office every time you think of it say with your mouth let your words be heard. Paul said I believed and therefore I have spoken. We also believe and therefore speak. It is time to get to start speaking what we are believing. We believe that we receive the power of God is working mightily and father we believe were we have conquered the whole fancier confession until you are satisfied with the fruit produced.
SID: You know of the things that Doug and I are so excited about that yes God’s laws are true God’s words are true, but you can’t approach it legalistically you have to approach it in the Spirit and yield to the Spirit of God. And that is why I have to yield to the Spirit of God right now and tell you that there are people who have hearing problems ringing in the ears any type of hearing difficulty you are being healed right now. There are people with horrible horrific neck and back problems if you will bend over move your head you will see, Doug one of the most exciting miracles that you have see in healing school tell me about it.
DOUG: I suppose probably the most exciting one was a lady, this one was through a word of knowledge a lady had a tumor on her back about the size of an egg, and through a word of knowledge that was called out and she was healed instantly.
SID: Now did anyone see this happen?
DOUG: Some ladies took her back and found that it was gone, absolutely completely gone, and so that was a tremendous blessing, tremendous miracle, but that is once again the gift of healings, we have had many people that believed that they have received held fast of their confession of faith and healed of cancer many of them. And so the issue is once again you hold fast with the word of God, you operate within the word of God, and results will occur it’s when we start getting so taken up with our problems, that we become distracted with our problems that we become a hearer of the word and not a doer. I will never forget I was teaching a healing school one day and I had drawn a mountain on the chalkboard and I was taking with Mark 11:23, speak into your mountain. And the lord said to me he said there are people in this room that are so taken so captivated by their mountain, they forgot what I told them to do about their mountain.
SID: How about you, is that you? You are so captivated by your symptoms, well let me tell you something a Greek scholar recently said something to me that was so exciting, were the word of God says if you believe you will receive, the word receive in Greek actually means something stronger it means take. If you believe then you should do what I told you at the top of the show, reach your hand into the visibly realm and take what is rightfully yours, what our messiah died for why for only one reason he loves you he calls you special he calls you a man a woman with destiny, with purpose see you have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this. And he not only wants you to walk in divine health he wants you to lay hands on the sick and have them walk in divine health why? Because a miracle demands the fact that God had shown up and demands the confrontation of will I continue to be a sinner, and live with the devil, or will I repent of my sin and say I am linking with you Jesus the choice is yours, choose this day with whom you will serve. Serve the living God.