FRANCIS: Well, some of the evil altars we address in the book on dangerous prayers is the altar of premature death, where you see in certain families, the perversity of people dying early before their time. Life is a gift of God and dying before your time is a murder of your purpose because it’s not yet been worked out. And then we deal with pornography, that people are busy with pornography, people are addicted to prescription drugs, we’ve got people that are affirmity, cancer is always reappearing in the family. And so we’ve got rage, people that are, just can control themselves and we’ve you’ve got depression, my God, that’s a big one where people are go through cycles of depression, they try all different type of drugs and we’re seeing them get delivered when we dealt with those issues from the point of addressing and breaking the power of the evil altar.
FRANCIS: So the book is really loaded with many, many areas, including poverty. Poverty can be an altar in somebody’s life. You want to walk in prosperity, but every time we try to walk in prosperity, you just end up in more debt. You don’t know where the money is going. This invisible thing, and ultra poverty could be in your bloodline, that needs to be destroyed. We’ve seen that destroyed and people begin to prosper. So this book is really loaded with real life situations that people are dealing with. I can guarantee you probably for 99% of your viewers, they are going to find one prayer that locates them in the spirit.
FRANCIS: And just everything is going to change. Say the accuser in the court of, knows his case weak, that’s why he hopes and prays that we don’t show up for court. Because once we show up, the finished work kicks in, and then not only is that, the finish work in the court of heaven is supported by the advocate who died for us to get it in the first place. Now, what I love about the book, The Dangerous Prayers From The Courts Of Heaven That Destroy Evil Altars. I help people show up in the court of heaven with prayers that are guaranteed to work for them.