Sid: This subject this week is an area that most churches don’t talk about and just about every problem in your life if you can get rid of the demonic spirit you can get victory. I have Mel Bond on the telephone, I’m interviewing him on his new book, “Understanding Your Worst Enemy” and see Mel was taught by the Lord these truths many years ago. And I have learned things that have been so beneficial as I read his book. Most Christians are defeated in many areas because they failed to understand the invisible realm. And you must learn how to recognize the demon that’s coming against you, how to cast it out. You’ve got to develop your spiritual senses and activate the Gift of Discernment and all your senses will be activated in the invisible world. And this book literally will equip you for that and you’ll find out the spirits behind every problem in your life. And you’ll begin to understand how these demons think and how they operate. And as far as I’m concerned the best part of this book, Mel Bond is if anyone is flirting with any degree of sin, once they realize the door that their opening they won’t want to open it any more. I think when someone reads your book they’re going to start walking in more holiness than they ever had in their life. Well, I mean they would have to be stupid to want to open doors to the demonic, would you agree Mel?
Mel: Absolutely.
Sid: And on yesterday’s broadcast you brought out such an important principal. You were talking about…you were dealing with your natural senses to find out if the demons that you commanded to leave had left. And you found out that you were dealing in the wrong arena.
Mel: Absolutely, first of all maybe I need to just emphasize a little bit or give a little bit of a teaching in what it means to rebuke the enemy or rebuke demons. Basically, when you use the name of Jesus demons are leaving. Then another train of thought is the Word of God is Jesus. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us as many other scriptures validate that Jesus is the Word of God. And so sometimes we can just think on the Word of God and it causes the enemy to leave; so that’s what it means to rebuke the enemy. But back on this percentage where Jesus told me when these demons were in my bedroom and it was like I knew without a shadow of doubt that I would die because of the horrible sounds that these demons were making and it was entering into my mind, entering into my life and they wouldn’t leave. And the Lord told me that, He says I want you to know that, you know that demons understand if there’s 1% of you that don’t mind them being there that they can stay. And how true is that with every human being.
Sid: Yeah, yes no sensible Christian would want a demon to stay, but give me an example of how through really lack of knowledge they let a demon stay.
Mel: Absolutely, but just in everyday life that we are all tempted and say for instance that a person has a desires for alcohol that, if they don’t totally make up their mind 100% that I’m not going to have anything to do with this, if there’s 1% still there then that knawels at them. What is that? That’s a demon and so the only way that we can get rid of these things, if you want to be free from any kind of a problem, a fault, which is demons then you will have to be 100%. That’s the reason why the Lord said in Jeremiah chapter twenty-nine, was it in verse 13 I think He says when you will call on me with your whole heart and if we have 1% of our life that doesn’t mind this temptation being in our life, it stays. Am I not right Sid?
Sid: You’re absolutely correct and that was the thing that you drove home so much in the book.
Mel: And I think if they’ll get a hold of the book it will really help them go into greater depths and do more than we could possibly do on the radio without spending hours and hours.
Sid: What about something like, which is really big with the internet and in every home and that’s pornography. Use an example of pornography.
Mel: It’s the same thing, that if we don’t, if human beings don’t make it up in their mind that 100% I’m not going to have anything to do with that, that temptation will be there. They’ve got to somehow, if they have to get rid of the internet, even Jesus said it’s much better to enter into Heaven than to have one arm and in other words to have both of your arms and go to heaven, it is better to lose an arm. That is the reason it says if your eye offends you, pluck it out; it’s better to have…to go to Heaven with no eyes then to have both eyes and go to hell. And so sometimes I think that we have to put our self in positions to where that we don’t have those temptations. And so if we can’t handle the internet, if we can’t handle a computer, get rid of it it’s better than having a computer and going to hell.
Sid: Now, what about something as subtle as spending three or four hours every night watching television. Maybe good things sports, news, but even when you watch these quote good things sports, news things slip in. Is there a danger there? What’s your opinion?
Mel: In my book I talk about one particular chapter is the not so obvious manifestation of Satan that it’s the little foxes that spoil the vines. The Bible teaches us that and sometimes people they think, well these things are really not significant and I can still do them. And I think that one of the lies the devil and his kingdom promote is, oh you can still do this and be a Christian. You can still have jealousy, un-forgiveness, gossip, ideal words, you can have rebellion and you can have stubbornness and you can still have some of these things and maybe even lust. You can have these things and still be a Christian and you know that’s true. You can drink, you can smoke, you can do all these things and still be a Christian, but you can’t be everything that God wants you to be. And the Lord showed me one particular time, in fact I’ve seen this many times, I’ve seen it with ministries, I’ve seen it with people that they could not be everything that God wanted them to be, they couldn’t have everything that God wanted them to have because the them holding on to this, I’m going to call it they’re pet demon, because it’s with them all the time. And maybe that is being a little foolish using that word, but he’s with them all the time. First Samuel 15:23 the Bible says, “Rebellion is equal to witchcraft, stubbornness is equal to idolatry. And so the Lord has shown me and I remember one particular time this person that was involved in ministry, and I saw in the spirit there was a spirit wrapped around their ankle, and the Lord told me, He said that this is the illustration I’m giving you for this person. It’s like I’ve ordained them, again this is an illustration “I’ve ordained them to be the best track runner in the world. But because of the fact that they had this weight around their ankle not only can they not run as fast as they would like to run, but they’re off balance. And so not only are they not the best, but they’re the worst. And so these un-obvious demonic forces that come against us that we need to understand that they’re hindering us from having everything God wants us to have and from being everything God wants us to be.
Sid: Mel, you talk a lot about words, but there was one statement I picked up that would have been worth the book, just for this statement and that is you said “Give people words that they don’t deserve by operating in the same grace that God gave you with other people.”
Mel: Absolutely, again that’s walking in God’s unconditional love, 1st John 4:8 and verse 16; the Bible says that God is love and so when we start, you know we can talk about scriptural things and quote verses and so forth and that makes us sound spiritual, it makes us sound godly but when we walk in God’s love, that makes us like God.
Sid: You know when I was in Israel I saw a street preacher and he was talking with such anger that he’d make me a non-Christian if I listened to him long enough. Could that have been a demonic spirit even though he was saying good things?
Mel: What’d Jesus say? He says the traditions of man have made my power of non-affect and I’ve seen that many times in church circles where people are involved in religious traditions and usually when they have that, when they are being motivated by those sort of spirits, they are very evil people. The same kind of people that hung Jesus on the cross, they were people that were bound in religion and not bound in the true things of God.
Sid: Opps our time is slipping away.