Sid: My guest Mark Virkler and Mark heard an audible voice of God and God said to him, “Get up I want you to teach you to hear My voice.” And since that time he has found out that he can do what the Bible says, he can hear the voice of God daily and he literally records journals of all of all the things that God is saying. How would you like God to give you so much personal one on one that you get writer’s cramp from writing it all down? Mark that’s like music to my ears hearing that and it’s got to be for every believer that is listening and outside of a couple people everyone that takes your course is able to hear God’s voice. And the two people or three that didn’t if they would have worked longer they would have; am I right?
Mark: That is exactly right we have a money back guarantee with our college course on hearing God’s voice. And we say if it doesn’t work we will give you the money back and I have had a couple of people call me and say that it didn’t work. And I said, “Okay, let me work with you and I’ve worked with them and it has worked for them, alright and so I personally think you let us work with you, you will hear I promise.
Sid: Okay, God then spoke to you for keys and the first was being still and quiet and then the second was fixing your eyes on Jesus. The third was spontaneity and the fourth was write it down. Now, we want it focused today on fixing your eyes on Jesus or vision.
Mark: Right. Well I had no vision for the first eleven years of my Christian life because I didn’t ask for vision, believe for vision or honor any pictures that lit up on my mind and so we have not because we ask not, so we got nothing. Jesus said in Acts 2:17, He said, “I’ll pour out My Spirit on all flesh, sons and daughter will prophecy, young men shall see visions, old men shall dream dreams,” didn’t say might said shall. So the fact that I’m not getting any visions in the first years of my life is not because Jesus isn’t sending them, He is. It’s because I’m not looking for, asking for or honoring those pictures that light up on my mind.
Sid: So in affect there’s no faith dimension.
Mark: Well, there’s no faith dimension and therefore I’m not reaching out or stepping out in faith. So the first time that I stepped out in faith, one of the early times I stepped out in faith and began to look for vision I would see these black and white nebulous unclear pictures that would light up upon my mind. And my brain would jump right in and say, “I don’t believe that’s a vision, and I would say, “Why not,” and my right brain would say, “Well, it’s got to be like Paul on Damascus Road, you’ve got to see a blinding light, you have to fall down and go blind for three days and then it’s a vision.” Then I said, “Well, that’s one way to get a vision, but you know what, Jesus saw a vision all the time He only did what He saw the Father doing.” And He wasn’t falling down, and He wasn’t going blind He was seeing pictures and releasing those pictures to those He ministered to.
Sid: And that means what He says, He says “He see His Father doing things.” He must have had a continual stream of vision.
Mark: Exactly and what I have seen that every single one of us can do that because Jesus is the example of how we’re suppose to live. And so I repented for not looking for vision or asking for vision and said, “God I want to become like Jesus, I want to see vision all the time” and I began to look. And I had to overcome my doubt and unbelief first of all you know what I was seeing wasn’t really God because my mind was trained to not believe and I had to retrain it to become a believing mind. And because the Bible said that, “If we ask anything according to His will, we know that He hears us and we have the request that we’ve made known of Him.” So my question to you would be is it God’s will to give you and I and the Body of Christ visions?
Sid: For sure.
Mark: Absolutely, Acts 2:17 “Young men shall see visions,” so if you and I are praying and asking for vision, we are praying according to His will and does He hear that prayer if we ask anything according to His will we know that He hears us and we have the request that we’ve made known of Him.
Sid: Okay, so we have it in writing the answer is yes and yes.
Mark: Yes and yes. Okay we know that it’s His will to give us vision so if you are in prayer saying “God, give me a vision” and a picture lights on your mind do you have every right Biblically speaking to believe that picture came from Jesus?
Sid: Absolutely.
Mark: Absolutely if the Bible’s true and I think that we all think the Bible’s true. And so I said, “Mind you will believe,” and I became adamant and said, “Look the Bible says this is the way it is, this is the way it is.” And if I want more confirmation I’ll submit the information to three people that I submit to and say “Here’s what I believe and what I saw in the Spirit realm, will you tell me does your heart bear witness this came from God.” If they say yes, then I’ll run with it.
Sid: And of course it has to be Biblical.
Mark: It has to be Bible of course; but I know enough scripture I can twist the Bible to make it say anything I want. So it’s more secure if not only do I believe it’s Biblical, but also the three people I submit to that aren’t seeking to twist scripture the same way I am would also confirm it came from God.
Sid: Okay, well I would like a continual stream of seeing what God wants me to see, that’s so wonderful to me. Help me, work with me.
Mark: So let me ask you the same questions I’d ask anyone who work in seminars. When you read a Bible story can you picture your living room couch?
Sid: Right now?
Mark: Yeah, can you picture your living room couch?
Sid: I can picture it very well.
Mark: Okay, can you picture a Bible story when you read it?
Sid: I can, but I usually don’t.
Mark: Okay, but at least you can because some people will say no to both of those questions. And those that say no are the ones that cut off vision entirely and that usually because they have a traumatic scene that they don’t want to see and so they said, “No more vision.” So for those people we have to get them to repent for that decision and say “God I do want to see.”
Sid: Well, the people that are listening right now that are like that why don’t you lead them in a prayer of repentance.
Mark: Alright, so let’s just pray this. “Lord Jesus we come humbly before Your throne and Father we thank you that you’ve chosen to fill the eyes of our heart with a Godly stream of dream and vision. And Lord we realize today that we’ve not opened our eyes and we’ve not looked for vision and some of us have even been afraid to look for vision because of the pain that is in the pictures that we see. And some of us have made decision Lord that say I don’t want to see any more. So Father today we are repenting, we’re coming to You and repenting saying God I am sorry for making that decision to say no more vision. I’m sorry for turning off the eyes of my heart or even being afraid to use the eyes of my heart because I thought it was New Age or whatever. And Lord I’m sorry for living in fear and I choose now from this day forward to present the eyes of my heart to You and I ask you to heal them. And right now, lay your hand on your hands if you will and right now as you lay your hands upon your eyes I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit to flow through your hands into your eyes and I speak healing to the eyes of this heart right now. I speak to those muscles that have atrophied and died I say, “Come alive right now in the Name of Jesus Christ come alive and see into the Spirit realm, come alive and see into the Spirit realm that which God wants to show you.” And Lore, I ask that you would cause the scales to fall from these eyes and I ask that as they lift there eyes up to you that they would see the light of Almighty God and the throne room of God and the King on the throne and that there eyes would be filled with light and splendor of Almighty God in Jesus Name, I speak that forth in Jesus Name. Lift up your eyes and look and just receive, just receive that which you see and honor those pictures that light upon your mind. Thank you Father for Your healing Power upon us in Jesus Name.
Sid: And I actually as you were praying that prayer had a vision of people’s ears opening up. Now I would have pictured, I would have thought a vision of their eyes opening up but I had a vision of their ears opening up.
Mark: Well, I think we could celebrate a couple things. Well first of all God is free to do anything He wants, alright so whatever He shows us in a vision we honor so that’s fine; and secondly, you had a vision. That’s awesome because I heard you teach earlier, say earlier in one of your radio broadcasts that vision wasn’t your strong point; hearing God’s voice was your stronger point.
Sid: Well, that’s true but now that I know that this is God’s will for me to have a steady stream of visions I don’t want to settle for anything short of that.
Mark: So tell me, what did that vision…now when you saw that picture of Jesus opening up peoples ears, what was it a spontaneous flowing picture that lit up on your mind, is that what it was?
Sid: We could call it that except it was shorter it wasn’t seeing it was just a snap, what I would call a snap vision.
Mark: A snap shot, okay was it a screen inside or your mind? Now when you saw that vision of Jesus opening up people’s ears what was it a spontaneous flowing picture was that what it was?
Sid: We could call it that, except it was shorter. It wasn’t seeing it; it was just a snap, what I would call a snap vision.
Mark: A snap shot, okay was it on a screen inside your mind?
Sid: Yes.
Mark: Okay, it was on a screen upon your mind and it appeared spontaneously.
Sid: That’s correct; obviously I wasn’t looking for it because as I said if I was looking for something it would have been having to do with eyes, not ears.
Mark: Well this is exciting because this is exactly the way vision appears to me and to everyone else who begins to look. Its pictures that light upon your mind spontaneously that you did not paint yourself they come with a life of their own and you honor them as coming from God and you say “Yes Lord and then you walk with them and run with them.” And you didn’t have to fall down, you didn’t get terribly emotional, but yet you saw a vision.
Sid: Now according to what I’ve read, many people when this starts the first time they start crying, why?
Mark: Well because your tapping into the spirit world and the language of heart, you know when God touches the heart it brings tears because tears are the language of the heart and your receiving Devine revelation from God into your heart and your heart is just being touched by God and it touches and moves you so deeply and all of us so deeply that it brings tears to their eyes. And when I have people stand and read their journaling on weekend seminars a lot of times their crying. It’s not because the God said anything more than, I love you and I cherish you and your beautiful, it’s I mean they knew that from the Bible, but God spoke it directly to their heart and they broke down in tears as they shared that with us.
Sid: Now most of the messages that are journaled are they general like that, beautiful from the Bible, but general or can they get very specific?
Mark: They can become more specific, but “Now abide these three: faith, hope and love.” 1st Corinthians 13:13 and prophecy can so those are general; building faith, building hope, building love. That’s the fuel of our spirit we’re designed to run in there and journaling and the voice of God will build faith, hope and love. And also prophesy 1 Corinthians 14:3 says “Prophesy comes for edification which is to build you up; exhortation which is to encourage you along a path of action and comfort which is to console you. So the three categories for prophecy, none of them are predictive guidance in the New Testament, they are to build you up; edification, exhortation. Exhortation for me is “Mark love your wife, Mark don’t be so judgmental, Mark trust me,” I mean that’s all exhortation and I got a lot of that. Oh the first year God told me fifty times, love my wife, He told me fifty times, will you please trust me.
Sid: Did it make your marriage better?
Mark: My wife said, “When I learned to journal her marriage improved greatly,” ha-ha.
Sid: Ha-ha, oh look times slipping away.