Our Guest James Durham
SID: You know, because of an open Heaven, how would you define an open Heaven, James?
JAMES: I think just the, Heaven is open and but we need to see it, we need to feel it, we need to experience it. And when that happens the Glory of God just descends on people and things begin to happen.
SID: Like for instance, when someone is under an open Heaven and the Glory of God descends, tell me the types of things that happen.
JAMES: Well we see creative miracles. We’ve seen—
SID: Give me an example.
JAMES: More than once we’ve seen people who have had fused vertebrae and suddenly all of that fuse is gone and they have like a new spine in that area, just totally a new created miracle.
SID: What other things happened?
JAMES: We’ve seen people that have received financial miracles. The money they needed for ministry just suddenly manifested.
SID: You know what I find? When the Glory of God comes upon you, because there’s an open Heaven, everything speeds up.
SID: Is this what you’re finding?
JAMES: Oh yes. I speak of it as an acceleration. Things begin to accelerate in the spiritual realm and the spirit can just minister to a whole group at the same time, and we see people get all kinds of emotional and spiritual healings as well as someone recently healed of claustrophobia just in the Glory presence.
SID: Okay. You told us in the last segment you were at the Mount of Transfiguration and a door opened, and you received an impartation. But you were with a bunch of other people. What happened to them when you saw that open door?
JAMES: Well when that experience was over I let the people know that I had just received this and they immediately lighted up. And I started to pray for them, and one by one they just, they went down under the presence of God in that open Heaven. And we had several people who had a third Heaven visit, others who began to see visions. Some people who had seen angels really for the first time, they began to manifest that they could see them. So the seer anointing just broke loose in these people.
SID: Now some people may be saying, well I wish James could lay hands on me. Is it just as effective for you to speak it?
JAMES: Oh yes, it is.
SID: Well then I commission you in the name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach Tsidkenu, Jesus the Messiah our Righteousness, pray and impart what God has given you right now.
JAMES: Amen. Amen. Well the Lord told me to release an impartation for a renewed mind. And so I just want to speak that over you right now that the Lord would come and touch in a special way. The Holy Spirit would touch you with this fire, burn away every hindrance, everything that has blocked you, let unforgiveness, bitterness and strife be gone in the name of Jesus Christ. Everything that I may not know of that may be hindering you, let Jesus right now just take that away. Let the Holy Spirit fire come and burn that away. And I’d like to ask you to help me because you don’t have to have me touch you. You want the Holy Spirit to touch you. But the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. So I’m going to ask you if you would to take your hands and put your hands over your eyes right now. And I want to pray the Elijah prayer over you, and say, Lord, I pray open their eyes that they may see. Now I’m putting my faith behind it. I’m asking you to put your faith behind it and believe that what you have prayed the Lord has released, and your spiritual eyes are open wider now than they ever been before. If you would take your hands and put them over your ears right now and speak the same prayer. Lord, I pray open their ears that they may hear. You pray it: Lord, open my ears that I might hear.
SID: Open my ears that I might hear.
JAMES: And believe it. Put your faith behind it. And I believe that Jesus releases it right now. I feel something shifting in the spirit right now. The Lord has released it. Just receive it in his name. Put your hands over your heart. Say, Lord, I want to have a heart to perceive. So Lord, I pray.
SID: Heart to perceive.
JAMES: Let my heart to be open to perceive spiritual things. And I believe that it’s important, all the senses, if you would, this may sound a little strange, but put your hands over your nose and say, nose.
SID: Nose.
JAMES: Open up.
SID: Open up.
JAMES: To smell the things of the Kingdom.
SID: To smell the things of the Kingdom.
JAMES: Lord, I pray.
SID: Lord I pray.
JAMES: That you would open up everyone’s sense of smell to be able to detect the fragrances of Heaven, the fragrance of the Holy Spirit, the fragrance of the angels and the fragrance of Jesus. Lord, open up that sense. And now if you would, I’m believing you received it, but just one more step. Put your fingers over your lips and we’re going to pray right now. Lord.
SID: Lord.
JAMES: Open up a sense of taste.
SID: Open up a sense of taste.
JAMES: So everyone can taste you.
SID: So I can taste you.
JAMES: And know that you are good.
SID: And know that you are good.
JAMES: That we can taste your Word and it’s sweeter than honey.
SID: That I can taste your Word.
JAMES: Lord, open up all five senses right now.
SID: Thank you, Lord.
JAMES: In the mighty name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. Amen and amen.
SID: Amen.
JAMES: We put our faith behind it. We believe it and receive it in Yeshua’s name. Amen.
SID: There’s one more sense, the most important one. God wants to open up your spirit to know him. This is eternal life that you might know him, have experiential knowledge. Say, Dear God, out loud, Dear God, I’m a sinner. Forgive me for my sins. I believe the blood of Jesus washed away my sins and I’m clean. And now that I’m clean, Jesus, come inside of me. I make you Lord of my life. I love you, Lord. I love you Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth