Our Guest Barbara Yoder
Sid: We are getting ready Mishpochah to blow the grandest shofar, the grandest trumpet in Zion because when that sound hears it will shatter ever demonic stronghold that is trying to prevent you from achieving your destiny. That’s why I have Barbara Yoder interviewing her this week on the breaker-anointing and Barbara you explained on yesterday’s broadcast briefly what the breaker-anointing was. It’s actually one of the names of God. How would you like God running interference with you and can you see it it’s just like a football team when those big backs are running and knocking down everything in your path. You just walk through the goal post with a touchdown. I mean it’s easy when that happens. When was the first time you were exposed to the breaker anointing Barbara do you recall?
Barbara: Yeah, I do because when God took me to Bethesda Missionary Temple in Detroit He knew I needed teaching and training and I had no idea where to go. So I just you know cried out to God and I said “Take me some place.” And there would be Mom Beale, as we called her out of both love and revering honoring her; she was a real mother in Zion. She would sense there would be an oppression in the service and you could feel it; you could feel like a palpable resistance, oppression at times just something sitting over the service. And I’ll never forget this happened several times during the times that I attended that church and was a part of it. She would roll, they’d roll her in her wheelchair up to the pulpit and she would take her right hand lift it up in the air and let out this word in tongues Haroush! It was always the same word and literally it was as if a dark presence left that place and the whole audience, congregation would break into shouting joy, whatever because you could just feel that dark whatever it was lifting. It was oppression sometime depression but it was always a spirit of resistance and you could feel it. We could only go so far in the service.
Sid: Well, let me ask you this question when she let this word out in tongues did she shout it or did she say it like this?
Barbara: Oh no she said it with great authority she would say HAROUSH!
Sid: Because let me ask you something I’ve observed when I used to have healing lines I usually now just pray over the whole congregation at once and miracles breakout. But when I used to have healing lines I would find every once and awhile I would put my hand on someone and I would almost scream a word, I’d scare myself and for sure I’d scare them but I noticed there was more power when I got loud because God was telling me to be loud.
Barbara: You know I don’t understand it Sid but agree with you totally and what I find is that when we feel something intensely and particularly when the anointing it’s not really a feeling it’s a presence of God that comes upon us that there’s an intensity to it at time that you can’t help but speak loudly. And I find myself doing that quite frequently and when that happens literally people get healed, demons will leave it’s amazing the whole atmosphere of the congregation will change.
Sid: Okay, paint me a picture right now of one service where Mother Beale yelled with authority Haroush! Paint a picture of what might have happened.
Barbara: In the service we would feel a real oppression. I’m sure you’ve been to church and when you’re used to the presence of God and it’s not there you know that there’s something pressing against you pressing against the service. And I remember this one Sunday it was particularly it was like everybody in the whole place was depressed. And you just…
Sid: What a wonderful church service; I’m just teasing go ahead. (Laughing)
Barbara: It’s like why did I come to church today? (Laughing) Everybody is in a funk. She it wasn’t a natural funk or a natural depression she knew it was supernatural. And that Sunday she came up and let out that Haroush! I mean the congregation just started shouting it was as if you let a bunch of people out of a cage. Which goes along with Micah 2:13, “The breaker will go up before them and He’ll break open the way.” When she did that it was just like joy and shouting it was just like joy well it wasn’t just like it did; joy broke out in the congregation and they were totally, the people including myself, were totally released from that heavy oppressive presence it was really a demonic presence trying to keep us from getting us to where we needed to go in that service that morning.
Sid: You know the scripture you keep referring to in Micah that’s Micah 2:13, I want to read this to you in the Message translation. Now Barbara what I do is I take translations and I personalize them. I love it when I take the word of God and personalize it and say it out loud. This is from the Message let me read this to you. “I God will burst all your confinements and lead you out into the open. I will follow the King He will be out in front leading me.” How do you like that?
Barbara: That’s powerful I love it. I don’t think I have read it in the Message.
Sid: Well, when I read it in the Message it just all fell into place. Now you’ve seen a lot of amazing supernatural things in your life. You’ve had personal healings; tell me a personal healing that you have had for yourself.
Barbara: One remarkable one was when… my husband died in February, and on July 4th of that year I woke up with excruciating pain in my upper neck and back it was I couldn’t even move. I don’t know what caused it I woke up with it. Went to the doctor and he told me that my vertebrae… not my vertebrae but my spinal cord was bulging through a hole in my vertebrae.
Sid: That sounds awful I bet it was really painful.
Barbara: It’s the most one of the most painful things probably the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had horrible pain from abdominal surgery but I remember by Friday this was Monday that it started by Friday of that week I literally was in the bathroom thinking “What am I going to do today?” I can remember right where I was and I said “This pain is so bad I understand why people commit suicide because of pain.” Not because I was going to commit suicide that how intense it was.
Sid: Right.
Barbara: The minute I recognized that I said “I am going to the office.” I hadn’t gone to the office the pain was so excruciating. I had to hold my right arm up all the time just to diminish it slightly. So here I am driving my car to miles to the church to the office and holding my right arm up. And I told my staff I said “Listen either you all are filled with the Spirit of God or you’re not; if you’re filled with the Spirit of God then you can make this pain go away you can heal my back. And they looked at me like “Oh brother I can’t believe this.” Because I knew my spine was bulging out my vertebrae. So you are going to do it. I said “If you don’t heal me today I’m going to fire all of you.” So I mean I wasn’t really…
Sid: I may try that sometime… no I’m just teasing but go ahead. (Laughing)
Barbara: (Laughing) But literally I believed that if the Spirit of God was in them then they could heal me by the power of Jesus. So they laid their hands on me; it took about 30 minutes and I said “Keep going it’s not gone yet.” They prayed 30 minutes and after about 30 minutes Sid that pain was totally gone. I’ll never forget it and I didn’t have to have surgery and in the meantime the doctor had lost the MRI results and so by the time they found them at the university it was a month later and I didn’t even need the surgery.
Sid: Barbara hold it for one second God wants to heal people of spine and neck problems. Will you proclaim that right now?
Barbara: I sure will that’s what I was thinking. “Yes Lord I speak to those spinal and vertebral issues those rotebral issue and I say be healed right now in Jesus Name. There’s somebody who has a bulging disk between L3 and L4. The doctors says he’s going to do surgery and I speak to that right now and I say be healed in Jesus Name. I just see there’s somebody feeling intense heat up and down their spine and whatever has been the issue there the root cause it’s being eliminated right now. And just start bending; just start bending your back right where you are. And where you are and where you’ve had pain you’re not going to have pain now. Now don’t be afraid to lean over into that pain because as you lean over that’s your act of faith and it will disappear.
Sid: Barbara we’re out of time right now…
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth